Hi, guys!
Now I have less than a week left for the final editing of the text and writing a synopsis in order to make the first presentation of the text to the publisher. The synopsis is especially difficult, for some reason it is always very difficult to write, and now I have to do it again, and I am already nervous. It is quite difficult to describe the entire plot of your novel on three pages, and this confuses me. I hope I will do better than the previous times, because my previous synopses were objectively terrible. I will still need to show it to my colleagues, maybe they will advise something.
I will make myself a cup of coffee and try to work calmly for an hour on writing an adequate synopsis for my novel that will interest the publisher. It is difficult, because essentially you need to lay out your entire plot on three pages. Sometimes I do not know what needs to be added to it and what not, and now I also experience similar emotions, I just do not know what should be there and what can be skipped.
In fact, I'm already so tired of the first volume that I don't want to work on it at all, but at this stage, this week before submitting to the publisher, I need to work on it as much as possible so that they will definitely accept me for publication. So whether I want it or not, I'll have to put the second volume aside for the next week and focus as much as possible on the first one, make it as complete as possible and ready for the publisher to see it.
This week I'm also starting active training, I hope this will distract me a little and give me new strength to work on my novel. Maybe a wedge will fight a wedge.
That's how things are for me at the moment. Now I'm making myself some coffee and sitting down to work on the synopsis.
Have a great day everyone!