Hi, guys!
As most of you probably remember I have psychical issues, to be more specific - bipolar disorder For years it has been killing me, and it almost succeeded, but I was lucky to find a good specialist on time, who prescribe me suitable medication that stabilized me.
Afterwards I still had to deal with disorder, but already in a more productive way. In other words instead of trying not to die I began trying to live, and what's more important - to live in a more happy and productive way. After medication started working all the rest already was in 80% in my own hands.
At first I really suffered because of necessity to take pills. It made me feel like I'm worse then others, if I need to take pills to stay "normal", stay stable. Every time I missed my pills I felt sharply worse, and it reminded me that disorder didn't go away, it's just blocked. But it's still with me. And it made me feel defective.
But at the same time I was looking for options to increase quality of my life all the time, using all possibilities I found. Either it was decluttering my home, or it was leaving home for a trip, healthy eating, exercising, surrounding myself with things I love, trying something new, learning, reading, or drinking smoothies daily using a beautiful cup for it. Any methods are good, and whatever works - works.
If to summarize all these activities, actions or passive actions - I'm taking an active part in creating my mood. I stand at an active position. And it seems to me that it's the only way to fight here. I tried to do the same with no medication, but because of imbalance of brain chemistry it had no result. And now, when pills fix it, there's something to work with.
Yesterday I made another huge step forward - I accepted myself with this disorder. Just as I am. Earlier it was really hard to achieve, but yesterday all of a sudden it became easy. I want to believe that it's because of all efforts I put into this adoption. I also accepted all the constraints disorder imposes. For example - sober life, 100% sober. I never drank alcohol much, may be just about 3-4 times a year, and now I don't drink at all, and I'm OK with it. Also I need more sleep then normal people. And well, it's time to be OK with t as well.
Good morning, dear friends! Stay in harmony with yourself! <3
Well, it sounds like you are doing the right and positive things to healing and a better life, good job,
It's a process, and I doubt that it'll ever end, but better I'll try then I will stay where I am:)
Accepting our own little flaws and limits can be very hard to do but can also be very liberating. Sometimes we fight uselessly against things we can't change and it is exhausting. When we accept them we can focus on other things and progress.
Very true:)
You are doing great job by trying to figure out what makes you feel happy and better. I’m sure it’s not easy, thank for sharing your story @inber.