Editing my first novel

in #blogyesterday

Hi, guys!

Now I have to sit down again to edit the first part of my novel. I am already terribly tired of it, it seems to me that I have memorized the entire first volume and there is nothing more to add, but I have only a week left to submit the text to the publisher, and now I need to make a final effort to submit the highest quality text. The terms of publishing support have also changed and I learned that even if they accept me into the program, this does not guarantee that they will publish my novel, but I hope that they will still offer it to me. After all, no one forbids you to hope. Therefore, I want to try my best to make my text attractive and able to interest.

So that's it.
Of course, I would now be happy to work on the second part of the novel, but I need to finish the first one, and nothing can be done about it. It must be done, so it must be done. I still have to consult with the curator, during which we will also edit it and make corrections, because I really need to bring it to the point of publication. And I will start actively writing the second volume again in a week, when I submit the first one to the publisher. Although, of course, I would be more happy to work on the second one.

I am no longer nervous about this program, apparently I was so nervous that my nervous system can no longer handle it, and my fuses just went off, my nervous system can no longer tense up. This is certainly not very good, but what can you do. I can’t sit on pins and needles until September. I really hope that the publisher will immediately offer me to take the novel into work, and if this does not happen, I will be very upset. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this may not happen. I am ready to work very hard for this, and I need to show them this.

I need to remember to write a synopsis for the novel, and show it to someone so that they can read it and say whether it is understandable. This is probably the most difficult part, I have never been good at synopsis, but I will have to try.

Have a great day everyone!








