Evening thoughts with little ewok - preparation for non-stop drawing day

in #blog8 years ago

Little ewok supports me in evening thoughts writing today, cause I need his sense of humor and of course a powerful spear:)

Tomorrow my husband has a really special plan for the day - silence walking meditation. Really interesting thing in fact. I will not take part, but I also will be at home, and my main task will be no talking and make no noise (no movies, no music) not to interrupt him.

As I understand it the main goal is to hear your inner self, stay alone with yourself and looks for some answers for "Who am I?" question. I'm not sure that I'm ready for such experiment, but since my husband is - I'll just try to do my best for not to spoil everything.

So I made a decision to have my own drawing meditation. From the evening I got everything set: me pencils, copic markers, watercolor, graphic tablet - everything I may need for all day non stop drawing. In silence, of course. Well, may be I'll have some music in my headphones. Absolute silence will make me think too much, and at the moment it's not my goal:)

So probably (well, I hope) tomorrow a lot of new art will be created. I have plans to make some sketches from WoW artbook, it's been a plenty of time since I did the last one.

By the way, not to create separate post: anyone any idea why poloniex doesn't accept steem? Yes, I know that there re still bittrex and blocktrades, but I need to know exactly about poloniex. Some information anyone? It's been a while, oven 20 days, never saw such long term delay before.

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


Good luck with your non-stop drawing day tomorrow! Supported you with an upvote :)

Thank you my dear fellow artist from Kiev:) We're neighbors;)

Забавно, Земной шар - село))

Ну да, так и есть)) Еще через пару минут выяснится, что из одной академии вышли;)

Наома?) Нет, увы, у меня полиграф и драгопед) но если наома, то народ оттуда знаю с недавних относительно выпусков)

НАОМА, да)) Правда не худ, а искусствовед. Рисовать уже сама потом начала, года через три после выпуска. Т.е. с выпуска прошло лет 8, наверное... Плохо у меня с датами))
Да уж, точно земля большое село. Буду следить за Вашим блогом неустанно, очень приятно встретить здесь творческого земляка))


May the force be with you all the day! ^_^
About Poloniex I don't know why doesn't accept steem, but if I'm not in wrong that site had some problems in these last days :(

I hope my drawing force really will be with me:)
It's just... I transferred some steems there about 20 days ago. And they're still :in the air"

Enjoy the silence.

Well.... I'm doing it for my husband:) But usually when I work I always have a movie on a background. Anyway it will be an interesting experience, I think I yet never was silent for all day even being alone - I always talk to my dog:)

Love your meditation art work, creative :)

I think you don't catch what I mean, but whatever:)

Very good art, I love it. I am also one of those who loves art, I love street painting.

Where can I look at your works?:)