Hi, guys!
Yesterday I managed to organize myself an almost full-fledged day off, and today I am thinking how I could organize my life so that these full-fledged weekends become a regular occurrence in my life. My tendency to recruit myself a lot of tasks in manic episodes is something of a positive curse. On the one hand, I don’t do anything bad (often with my diagnosis it happens that people are drawn to alcohol, drugs and promiscuity), but I want to create and learn. And as a result, I pounce with all my energy on something new and interesting, I study, I cannot tear myself away from the process for days, and then, when the mania passes (and tasks still remain), it becomes very difficult for me, and I do not know how to cope with the volume of tasks that I have piled on myself.
Now I am thinking about how to reorganize everything that I thought of for myself so that I would still have time to do everything, but had time to rest too. Difficult, very difficult, but I hope that it is still possible.
A few posts ago, I said that I really want my husband to go with me to pair dances. I found a studio nearby with a hustle. These are pair dances, and I have nothing to do there without a partner. But so far I have not been able to obtain the consent of my potential partner. Moreover, he denies this possibility as if I were offering him to eat people without ketchup and mayonnaise.
Photo from Google pics
But I still think it would be useful for him. He is very squeezed, squeezed movements, and this would clearly help him to loosen up. In addition, dancing is very beneficial for posture, for weight loss, and for improving mood. You just need to get involved in this process. So far, I have not come up with a way to persuade them to come with me, but I really hope that I will find it. My friend Nastya said that she would have made bets on the topic "will it go or not." Nastya thinks not. But it seems to me that I can still convince him and I continue to hope.
In fact, when we first started dating, I managed to persuade him to go to dance with me, at that time it was standard and latina. To be honest, 12 years have passed since then, and I no longer remember why we gave up this occupation. Since it was in the summer, most likely we went on vacation and then never returned to the floor.
And yes, 12 years have passed, and it seems to me that it is high time to refresh our relations, and such an option as pair dances would be very useful. It remains to show enough perseverance for this to happen.
Now I work out in the gym three times a week, and I'm already starting to think that it would be necessary to reduce this to two, it becomes too difficult. These are not my only sports loads, so cutting to two times a week means that there will be not 6 hours of stretching and a pole, but four. And this is also not a little (yes, I have two hours of training, and if I wish, I can stay for three. By the way, I must try).
The pair dance training takes place just after the stretching and pole training, half an hour apart (enough to get to the studio). Soon my husband will return from the campaign and I will talk to him again about the possibility of such activities, I really want to. Moreover, despite the fact that we both work from home, we practically do not communicate, and this would be a great opportunity to establish closer contact.
This does not mean that I suffer from a lack of communication, in any case. We are both introverts, and active communication only exhausts and hinders us. But dance is also a form of communication, but it can be done in silence.
Wish me luck, I really hope that it will still be possible to persuade:)
See you in the next post!
Love, Inber
I never thought I would ever consider myself to be a dancer. I was too cool for it, but truthfully didn't have the confidence to try because I didn't think I could do it. When I finally got up the courage to take some classes I was hooked. I loved salsa dancing and swing and it really changed my life ...
I loved your story and I hope you can persuade him, someday he will thank you if he listens to you
Ohhhh it just seems like you're experiencing the same story as me!

I was always struggling my ex boyfriends to join me on dance classes but they were all so shy and introverted. I am deeply introverted, too; but I believe dancing is something really necessary for every soul. finally I choosed to do WHIRLING DANCE as you can do it all alone, and Im really enjoying that, but I wish soon my partner accepts attending swing classes with me.
wish you and myself luck!