Last day of writing

in #blog3 days ago

Hi, guys!

Novyy god otlichayetsya dlya menya ot lyubogo drugogo dnya tol'ko tem, chto ya osobenno tshchatel'no proveryayu, zaryazheny li moi shumopodavlyayushchiye naushniki. U moikh sosedey otvratitel'nyy vkus v muzyke, i ya ne khochu slushat' eto der'mo, kogda oni nap'yutsya. V ostal'nom ya ne stavlyu yelku, ne p'yu, i prosto vovremya lozhus' spat'. Segodnya u menya obychnyy ra'ochiy den', ya nadeyus' napisat' normu teksta, kotoruyu zaplanirovala, i tochno tak zhe normal'no prodolzhit' rabotat' zavtra. Segodnya my s muzhem kakoye-to vremya pobrodim po Morii, zakazhem chto-to vkusnoye, i kakoye-to vremya ya provedu s knigoy, budet polezno nemnogo otdokhnut' prezhde, chem nachat' novyy god. Vchera ya napisala plany na yanvar', on u menya budet dovol'no nasyshchennyy, tak chto nado vyspat'sya i podgotovit'sya. Nichego osobennogo na novyy god ya ne delayu uzhe ochen' davno, ya prosto ne lyublyu etot prazdnik. Zhdesh' kakogo-to chuda, a chudo ne proiskhodit, poetomu ya reshila prosto perestat' sebya obmanyvat' i prosto yego ignorirovat'. Yedinstvennoye, chto ya delayu, eto myslenno podvozhu itogi proshedshego goda. Predydushchiy god byl ne tak uzh plokh, no ya nadeyus', chto sleduyushchiy budet yeshche luchshe. Mne yest', k chemu stremit'sya, u menya poyavilas' mechta, k kotoroy ya idu, i eto dlya menya ochen' vazhno. Nadeyus' v novom godu u menya poluchitsya etu mechtu osushchestvit'. Vsem otlichnogo dnya!
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The only difference between New Year's and any other day for me is that I make sure my noise-canceling headphones are charged. My neighbors have terrible taste in music, and I don't want to listen to that crap when they're drunk. Otherwise, I don't put up a Christmas tree, I don't drink, and I just go to bed on time. Today is my usual work day, I hope to write the amount of text I planned, and continue working just as normally tomorrow.

Today, my husband and I will wander around Moria for a while, order something tasty, and I will spend some time with a book, it will be useful to rest a little before starting the new year. Yesterday, I wrote down plans for January, it will be quite eventful for me, so I need to get enough sleep and prepare.

I haven't done anything special for the New Year for a long time, I just don't like this holiday. You wait for some kind of miracle, but the miracle doesn't happen, so I decided to just stop deceiving myself and just ignore it.

The only thing I do is mentally sum up the past year. The previous year was not so bad, but I hope that the next one will be even better. I have something to strive for, I have a dream that I am going towards, and this is very important to me.

I hope that in the new year I will be able to fulfill this dream.

Have a great day everyone!



