Hi, guys!
So, I started following a new diet, my fitness instructor formed one for me. I’m only at the beginning of my way, but I already feel it’s an interesting way. Today I want to talk about it a bit.
So, I decided to change my eating habits to make my life more healthy, and my sport trainings more productive. Nataly, my fitness guru helped my to form the concept of diet to follow, considering that I have a strange daily regime and specific needs because of my medication. So, what we came to:
Nataly said that I can eat every three-four hours. Sounds good. But the main condition is that I have to eat a serving that is not bigger, than the size of my palm. Three-four hours with no food is not a big deal after all, and eating with small servings I can get hungry “on time”.
One of the main goals of such diet is to make my stomach smaller. Well, yep, while I was ill I was eating a lot, and it became huge. So now it’s the first thing for me to fox.
Second thing to fix after how much I eat is what exactly I eat. Nat also gave me recommendations what food must be eaten in the first part of the day, and what in the second. I’m the one who can’t stay with no supper, so I eat evenly during the day, not missing any ingestions.
Third thing to fix after first two are done is to start tracking calorie content of what I eat and based on this correct the second point. At the moment I’m on stage two, and I already begin not only taking account of palm size, but also weight (and sometimes calorie content).
The beginning was really super hard, the whole new world… But I believe I’ll cope with everything. After all it wasn’t hard to gain weight, so I will think that loosing it will be simple too :)
See you in the next post!
Love, Inber
Hello inber,
You could try intermittent fasting aswell and instead of eating every 3-4 hours, you put all your daily meals in a 3-4 hour window schedule
its a bit more difficult but it can have great benefits for you but I hope you can achieve your goal and be healthy.
Keto is the best! And great results! 😉
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