New week with new plans

in #blogyesterday

Hi, guys!

This week I have a lot of new tasks to complete and a lot of new things to get used to and get used to. I'm starting training in a new studio, there will be a very heavy workload, and I'm unlikely to adapt to it right away, it will take some time. But I hope that I will get used to it quickly, and it will soon become easier for me.

Today, at the exotic training, my coach and I finally agreed on what song we will choreograph to. Naturally, I chose a very difficult song, not at all for my level, but I hope that I will have enough strength to cope with it, I will try very hard. Most likely, it will take a lot of time to learn the dance, but it will be worth it. I hope that everything will turn out beautifully.

I really want to resume my flute lessons again, and perhaps vocals. But this also requires a lot of strength, and I don't know yet if I have that much. I'm not sure that I can play for an hour every day, so far I don't even have enough strength to pick up the instrument. But I need to do this because I have a feeling that I will soon forget how to play. I also need to write to my teacher and start studying with him again.

The text is still quite difficult. Everything is moving slower than I wanted, I would like to move faster. Now I need to edit the first volume again, but I really don’t have the strength for it, it seems like I’ve already memorized it a hundred times and I don’t see anything in it that needs to be corrected. But I have to do it because the submission to the publishing house is coming soon.

I hope that I will be able to gather my strength and still find the resources to finish this project. I need to be patient for a little while longer, and then I will be able to relax a little again for a while. I hope I will be able to find the right balance.

Have a great day everyone!








