Preparing for new week

in #blog12 days ago

Hi, guys!

Next week I may have a much busier schedule than I expected. The pitching submission for Vihola may be approaching soon, which means I still need to redo the synopsis for the first part, and edit it again. This is a pretty nerve-wracking process, especially considering that I don’t really want to do any editing, but I need to do it before submitting. I’m also starting active training in a new studio, and I suspect that this will also be difficult. I need to prepare for this at least mentally.

I want to ask the trainer to come with my entire playlist, because music is really important to me and can radically change my attitude to training. I don’t think she should be against it, especially considering how much I pay for training. So I’ll talk to her about it today.

While my husband is on vacation, it would seem that I should have more energy and inspiration for writing, but this time it is not quite so, and I can’t write more than I planned according to my standard plan. Everything is written rather slowly, and it doesn’t work out that I would like to be twice as ahead of the plan. Well, it’s okay, in principle, following the plan strictly is also not bad. It’s not that slow, following it strictly I will also write a novel in two months.

So for now we calm down and continue to work according to the plan, without fussing, trying to simply stick to it and not fall out of it. Even with my plan, I still write several times faster than other authors, and this is a big plus. I hope that when my text is reviewed by publishers, this will also be a big plus.

My mood has been jumping a lot in the last few days, but I hope that it will somehow settle down and stop, without turning into anything more serious. I continue to work with my therapist, and we are making some pretty global changes in my life, we'll see how they work in the end, I hope they will work for my benefit.

I need to meet with friends more often, and I also need to work on this separately. So far, this is a very weak point for me, which I need to work on thoroughly. But so far I don't have enough strength for this, I hope that at some point there will be more.

Have a great day everyone!








