Hi, guys!
Today I have some awesome news - there's an update in my home reptiland. I bought a new chameleon. This time it's female, but her name still will be Master Yoda. It took me a while to upgrade all terrarium for her, and now she's in process of changing her skin, but I couldn't avoid to share some fresh pictures:)
Here she tries to scare me with her hissing.
She loved my hand so much that I hardly managed to make her go to her new home.
I hope you all have an awesome weekend!:)
I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)
Love, Inber
I like you
yes a very beautiful chameleon. it includes my favorite animal , because the animal is very unique, and can change the color fox :) ;) ...
wow very beautiful and unique animals .. i love chameleon @inber :)
nice post
Ого! Довольно необычное домашнее животное:)) мне кажется я даже не видела хамелионов вживую:((
Хамушки в зоомагазинах обычное явление)))
у нас одни хомячки:)))самое экзотическое это шиншилла или хорёк:))