Some more about me and Sheldon - update of the post I made 5 months ago:)

in #blog7 years ago

Do you love "the Big Bang theory"?:)

My hubby introduced me to this series when we just met. By that time the series had only two seasons (OMG, how much time passed?!), and for me it was "love from the first view".

About half year ago I already wrote a big post about my own similarity with Sheldon, will include the link here for my new followers, it also a kind of introducing myself, because... Nothing changed:) Plus the more I accept myself as a highly introverted person with strange interests - the more similarity I find and the more happy (Happy? OK, I'll skip my clinical depression here) I become.

One of my main troubles is accepting myself. While Sheldon perfectly knows that he is who he is, and has only a few mental torment, I act absolutely differently. I kind of feel instant guilt that I'm who I am.  This includes numerous aspects of life, such as intolerance of small talks, for example.

So, imagine that. When someone wants to discuss weather with me, or any other type of things that can easily be figured out with two steps towards the window - best case scenario is that I'll simply get annoyed. 

The same happens when someone asks about my opinion about his/hers haircut of dress. Damn, I have my own taste in cloth and appearance. I can say something, but if I'll say the truth - you may not like it. Then you get mad at me because of what I said. And what was  the point of this all? To make me say some sweet lies, we both know is not true? How clever, how interesting:)


One of my favorite moments. I actually get super angry when someone asks me "Do you know where this actor also performed?". The worse case was when someone said me that Legolas and Will Turner from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" is the same man... Urrrrgh... That person just ruined both movies for me. The trick is that I actually don't care about actors, I care only about the story (by the way, if you wan to add some more story-ruining facts in the comments you will be muted, may be even flagged:)

The further the more:)

Hugs, kisses, and unnecessary touches. Please....


(I wished to place my "No" to the center, but steemit editor really works funny today. Never mind, OK, I probably have to learn some more HTML)

One of my biggest nightmares as a kid were all the kinsfolks coming to our house and trying to KISS ME! They thought it was cute and sweet. I thought it was drooling, full of gaudy lipstick and unhygienic. And I still think so.

The same about borrowing someone my bottle with water. Or letting to have a bite from my food. Or someone touching my food. By the way this really is a problem! And not only at home (but at home too).

Here in Ukraine we buy vegetables in markets. For my English speaking readers I have to explain what I mean (I know I have to cause our friends from Belgium, for example, were looking at such places with trembling and horror. Give me a few seconds here, I'll find a most matching to what I mean picture in google:

So - like this. On the ground, close to the road. A year ago I had to absolutely refuse buying vegetables in such places, as my intolerance grew. First of all - market is the place of unnecessary interaction. No, really, they all want to talk to you, and most of them want to do it rude, just to derail their bad mood at you. But the most important thing - they lick their fingers before putting your vegetables to the plastic bag! Enough to make me sick.

I try to avoid taking plastic bags as much as I can. When I buy something and I see that the seller puts it in a plastic bag I always ask him to stop, and give me goods just as they are. For unexpected shopping I always have an eco-bad in my regular bag, so I can avoid buying plastic ones. By the way it's also a territory of neurosis for me. Why? Just why? We share this planet, and we do everything to kill it for only our own comfort. How clever.

But back to the topic. To Sheldon:)

If you clicked on the link to the first post and read it I mentioned how much I understand him when it comes to hygiene.

Heh, no:) No glow in dark tampons, only glowing fishes in my tank (thank you Sheldon, lol:).

But in general I always was a bit obsessed with cleaning. Well, not always, but somewhere around from being 19. As a kid it was different, cause in fact no one taught me how to do everything, including house keeping and cooking (funny that it was a real surprise for my parents when I grew up). So, I had to learn how to do everything myself, and got quite good in it. And became a little house-keeping monster, who has found a special place for everything, and formed a schedule for cleaning. 

No, it's not that I involve my hubby in it. But I believe in a rule "don't litter - and it will be clean". But I still add to it "clean even if you don't litter". 

The same with personal hygiene. These two weeks after my eyes surgery when I was allowed t only use sterile napkins to wash my face were very hard - exactly because of my will to always be super clean. But now that period is over, and it made my life so easier:)

I thought I'll manage to make this post funny, but I didn't. May be it's just too hard for me to make it in English, but anyway since I joined steemit my English improved a lot, so may be 5 more months will pass and I'll be able to write my Sheldon-similarity story again with more humor:)

Here I would like to add a little message for spammers. 

Do not:

  • -thank me for sharing
  • -tell that my post is good
  • -tell that my post is good and thank me for sharing
  • -tell that my post is nice
  • -tell me to "keep it up"
  • -comment if you didn't actually read

I have a huge, well oiled banhammer. And I flag for all listed.

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


I have to say that I love the Big Bang Theory series, so I really appreciate that you talk about you like Sheldon! Maybe Sheldon looks like a strange person, but everything he says or he does has a sense for him and so I respect him (and I like him, even if he doesn't appreciate hugs and I love hug who I like ^^). Just to say that I appreciated that you describe yourself so similar to one of my favorite character ^^

I wish I was more like Penny lol:) But actual me has another opinion:)

@inber my sister who passed away a few years ago got me into watching the Big Bang Theory. When she first started watching it she would call me up on the phone and tell me about this overly geeky show and this guy named Sheldon that reminded her of me and that the majority of the stuff they talked about would cause my sister to be like "oh my little sis would totally get what they are talking about!" I really always liked the excitement she would share with me about the show. I wish I would of started watching it when she was alive but sadly I didn't... I started watching it about a year ago. I would have to say my sister is probably right I am most likely a female version of Sheldon in some way but not all. Plus the whole episode when he called the cops over his WoW account being hacked... LOL well I could see myself doing that in the past. HAHA. I love your goblin! I've up voted and followed you!

I'm so sorry about your sister, even don't know what to say:(
Being a female Sheldon is may be strange for other people, but it really is an option. And yes that episode... And all the other episodes! I really watch ad see myself being acting like this.
Once I've been meeting with my friends who recently started watching, and we had this conversation:
-You know, you remind us two characters from the "Big Bang":)
-OK, who's the second?
-Leonard's mother!
That was the moment when I understood how I usually look lol:)
P.S followed you back:)

Hehe, people say that i remind them Sheldon too :) i wonder if i should take it as compliment?:) you captured his likeness very well. I made his designer toy, the whole group painted on plaa

This is not mine painting

I used to love watching the earlier shows, but then stopped watching.

I returned to it, years later,but found it hadn't really moved on much.
( I only watched a couple of shows, and forgot about it - until seeing this post !)

It didn't have the 'novelty of a new comedy' anymore.

I'm nothing like sheldon (or you by the sounds of it!), but I can identify with social awkwardness.
( I found my own ways of over coming that problem...)

I won't bother complimenting your post - I'll only get flagged. lol.

Well, I usually don't care much about "novelty of new comedy", I either like something or not. And if I do it's unlikely that seeing any moving on or not seeing it will stop me from pleasure of watching:)
It's nothing wrong with complimenting posts if the rest of the comment adds value as your does for example, it's just... We have too much people who just say something like "Nice post, keep it up", and it feels like, sorry for my English (and for translation Russian expression to English) "farting in the puddle". Such comments just mean nothing neither for the one who writes it, nor for the one who reads it. And when there're ten such comments under every post it no longer looks like complimenting, it looks like bot attack:)

I understand what you mean, no problem.

Your English is million times better than my Russian, so no apology needed!

I like the saying 'farting in a puddle' - that's a new one for me !