Hi, guys!
As some of you probably remember at the moment I'm working with changing my lifestyle to minimalism. I really love the concept of it, and when I tried I felt like it perfect matches my inner world. Sometimes such lifestyle is characterized like "living with less to make room for more", and this is how it actually feels. What I understood for myself is that the less things you have - the less things you have to worry about, so it releases space in your head to think about something more important.
As most people do I started my way with declutterng my cloth. I made it about five times before I finally was absolutely happy with the result, and the last decluttering I did about a week ago. And you know, what happened? Now my amount of things (for the season) perfectly matches the amount I need from one laundry to another. I was so happy to find it out, that means that no cloth take no extra space in my wardrobe now, and, what is even more important - I actually use everything I own!
How about you, guys? Do you own only things you actually need and never buy extra, or may be you're a scotch? Or may be you're like me - in progress of moving from one to another?:)
a very brilliant mindset with satisfying results. do not hesitate to try because as long as have confidence then the result will also be satisfactory. I also want to always try new things. keep spirit inber :)
У меня обычно есть вещи которые я ношу сейчас и вещи которые я сейчас не ношу, но я их храню на случай когда обратно похудею:DDD Потом наступает момент когда я понимаю, что не похудела и что эти вещи носить уже не буду и они переезжают на помойку:)
Это тоже стратегия)) У моей маман такая))
It seems perfect to me, that you are looking for a more comfortable life, and with fewer worries. Because less is more. You have less material things, but you gain more tranquility, and that makes you happy. So that's what really matters. As far as I'm concerned, I have exactly what I need, very few things I do not use. Although I have many books, which I do not currently use, but I would be unable to get rid of them (I love them too much). By the way, how is the tender Astro? I still worry about his leg.
She's not OK:( The vet was right, and we are in trouble with her hint legs:(
That makes me too sad. Friend. Astro does not deserve it.
I would highly recommend you read some of Karen Kingston’s work on decluttering. She is a master of this and has been advocating it for years. It will fit in with your newfound philosophy...
Look into it and let me know how you get on!
Thank you for the tip! I'll look into it:)