Crypto Side Hustle - May Earnings Report

in #blog3 years ago

What a month it has been in crypto. This is my second crypto side hustle earnings report for the month of May and boy do I feel like I've been in this game for years instead of just months.

Yes, this is an accurate picture of what I look like now. Or at least how I feel. It's been a bloody month in the crypto markets but I'm sticking to my plan of Dollar Cost Averaging and taking advantage of the dip to accumulate more during this time.

I've also managed to increase my crypto earnings by writing on various platforms. It is a great risk free way to be in crypto without investing any fiat. I'd highly encourage you to give it a go if you are not doing this already! Note the below are all in Australian dollars. Also note the below is for entertainment purposes, maybe it'll inspire you to take up something new. It is not financial or investment advice. Always do your own research.

Publishing Income


I really enjoy posting on Publish0x. There is just something about it that gets more engagement compared to all other platforms. For example, my last post about my first venture into Splinterlands, garnered eight engaging comments. A special shout out to @mercurial9 & @Heruvim78 for gifting me two cards and @costanza for leasing me a few more cards in the game to try out as well (thank you guys!).

I've managed to gain another +105 followers since April. Let's see if I can hit 1,000 by the end of this year!

Followers: +105

Total: A$21.80

LeoFinance / Hive

LeoFinance is currently my third favourite (after Publish0x and Read.Cash) simply due to what seems to be a lack of engagement from the community. The thing I did learn about LeoFinance / Hive is that there are all these sub-communities like Splinterlands, ProofofBrain etc that have their own tokens. All you need to do is use the right tags and you'll be able to earn all these different tokens in Hive (Leo, Pob, SPT etc).

I'm also planning to create more content about my journey in Splinterlands which has a great community on Hive which hopefully should have more engagement as well. My post on Splintertalk also got onto the Trending page as well which is a plus.

All in all, still an improvement compared to last month.

Total:  A$17.39


So shortly after taking up Read.Cash, I signed up to Noise.Cash as well. These two have really surprised me in terms of potential earnings. Actually, both of them combined is better than Publish0x and Leo/Hive right now. For Read.Cash, most of my earnings come from the Random Rewarder Bot, which is an AI tipping bot and there is a pretty extensive list of what they won't tip. A "good" article generally gets about $4-5 and those not so good is normally less than $1.

The other activity I've taken up in between writing longer articles is Noise.Cash. I find myself going to Noise if I have something interesting to share but it's not something I need to write a whole blog about. It also has a more engaging community to interact with because everyone gets some BCH tips from people hearting posts or comments. Even though this might be a few cents per post, it can get to quite a high figure, especially since the tipping is very random. My highest tipped post recently, $0.36 which is probably my average on Leo/Hive:

These earnings on Noise.Cash gets paid immediately after hitting a set threshhold (mine is pretty low at $0.25) to my Celsius account so I can start compounding straight away.

Total: 0.034 BCH = A$29.74

Passive Income

Passive income took a beating this month due to the market downturn. Surprisingly still above last month's earnings. This is probably due to more BTC deposited to Blockfi and also getting paid some initial sign up bonuses. I expect these to decrease in June unless the market goes up or I stake more in defi/cefi.  


Blockfi had a pretty big blunder in May. By now I'm sure you've seen the numerous articles about how Blockfi deposited wrong BTC amounts to a lot of users. Initially when I saw this on the Blockfi subreddit, I thought it was a scam of some sorts. You know the one when they say they've deposited x amount of BTC into your account mistakenly and that you have to send it back to them or they'll lock you up? Except this was not a scam, it was Blockfi. I got quite nervous because for a few days there was no communication from Blockfi at all. They were probably all scrambling to get the BTC back. It took them a few days to officially announce that only $10M was in danger of no return which is not nearly as bad as what I thought was at risk.

Source: Screenshot by Reddit User FRITZ1818

Despite this big-ish hiccup, I've decided to give Blockfi another chance. I think they will use this as a hard lesson to improve their procedures and processes and improve technically (or so I hope). I also don't have that much deposited on Blockfi to justify the withdrawal. Since then, they've also updated their mobile app which feels so much nicer than the previous version.    

Total: 0.00082 BTC = A$38.56


Celsius is my go to for my non-BTC holdings. They have a pretty good rate for BCH at 4.51% and ETH at 5.05% which I'm definitely considering for ETH when I do my Publish0x payout. Currently, I'm sending all my BCH from Read.Cash or Noise.Cash straight to Celsius so it can start compounding. Those bonuses are probably too small to be detailed monthly but I am also keeping a small amount of BTC here just to diversify a little bit (although the rate for BTC is not so great for internationals at 3.51%).

This months' BTC earnings from Celsius is not the norm as it contains a one time sign-up bonus which got paid out.

Total: 0.00225 BTC = A$105.29

BNB Staking

I have (or shall I say, had) BNB staked in the Binance app for about 15% return (locked for 30 days). Binance managed to offer about 30% for 15 day locking when the market first began to crap itself. But now, it is down to about 7%-9% for 30/60 day locking. To my surprise as well, the BNB I had already locked for 30/60 days were all reduced too to this new rate. What is the meaning of locked then...if not for the rate.

I miss the mid-teens staking for sure. I guess it's better than the bank.

Total: 0.125 BNB = $55.46


Oh man, I nearly forgot I had these Cubs staked in Cub Finance. I guess that's what happens when you're confident the devs won't rug-pull on you.

Unfortunately CubDefi is not currently auto-compounding in their Dens function which mean I have to check every few weeks to harvest the Cub and add it to my stake. The APY and price of Cub has been steadily decreasing which was also impacted by a general sell-off in the market. So despite rolling out some cool features like LeoBridge and Kingdoms, TVL is hovering around the $10M mark and price of Cubs had dropped from my entry of $3 to about now $0.71.

I believe in the long term viability of this project so I'm simply going to keep compounding my Cubs. In fact, I finally bought some CAKE as well so I can stake in Cub Kingdoms.

Total: 23.11 Cubs = A$21.16

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds to me is becoming more and more of a faucet which gives you either TLM token or NFTs. If you can unearth a rare NFT (which is also becoming super rare these days), it could be very well worth your time. I've posted before about my first 30 days on Alien Worlds,  and since then I've sold a standard drill NFT which I mined for ~60 WAX on AtomicHub, most of which I staked to get more CPU buffer. I'll be starting to sell more and more NFTs for WAX seeing as they can't be staked on RPlanet anymore. I've been keeping most of the TLM I've mined to date but potentially I'll convert these to my favourite tokens when the time is right.

Total: 71.3 TLM = A$17.89


So despite the bloodbath on the market, I managed to do not that bad this month with a total earning of A$321.89. If I keep up at this pace, I should hopefully hit my goal of A$1,000 per month by the end of this year. Most of the earnings are from passive sources (of course) which will grow overtime as I invest more into crypto. My publishing earnings are also quite nice to have as it allows me to diversify into other crypto holdings as well which I intend to hold onto until such times that I need to sell.

I'm very motivated to keep writing, whenever I can, about my crypto journey. It's been a great community to be involved in and I'm so excited to see what's next. So much has happened in the month of May, let's see what month 3 will bring.

Until then, keep stacking!  

Earn free crypto from blogging:

Publish0x | Hive / LeoFinance | Read.Cash

Play to earn blockchain games: Splinterlands


That’s a pretty sweet side hustle you got going and it can only compound overtime! I do something similar but instead of holding in the native token I convert it all into BTC and then go and get my interest in that asset

While the interest rate seems low on BTC compared to fiat and shitcoins you have to factor in the fact that Bitcoins inflation rate is 1.7% so getting 3 or 5 is offsetting the new liquidity as well as a return of 2-3% while Alts and stable coins you getting more Alts or stable coins but you’re actually making a negative rerun on purchasing power

Haha I would convert to BTC in a heartbeat - I'm more so not prepared for the admin side of keeping track for tax time :'( but maybe I just need to do it

Yeah the tax is a nightmare so I use Bittrex and Bitfinex since they allow you to use lightning and liquid so I can store my BTC effectively without paying chain fees too!

Then if I am overextended tax wise I can use the liquid BTC and make a loan against it and reduce my tax obligations

Always love helping out a fellow splinterlands player! Awesome update and keep up the good work. Really enjoying reading your content!

Nice to see you are making good progress, good luck growing your crypto earnings. I always enjoy reading reports like this on it.

Thank you! I find it's a good way to keep track and keep motivated. It'll be good to look back after 1 year and see how I've done as well

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh man, there's so many things I need to check out after reading your post...

Haha glad I could help!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've also managed to increase my crypto earnings by writing on various platforms.

Interesting stats, one quick question, these other non Hive platforms you post on, do you also spend time engaging there like you do here or you just post and that’s it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a good question. For Publish0x there is a lot of engagement and I love replying to comments as they're very genuine and detailed most of the time. is a bit dead, no one really comments on my posts (but that might just be me, because I see a lot of other content creators have a lot of engagement). Noise is a different story, it's all about engagement I think on that platform.
So yea overall it's all a bit different in terms of engagement levels

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay thanks for the response

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta