Yes, absolutely!
Yeshua is not Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy literally walking around. As you said, these all testify of Him. (John 5:39)
He walked perfectly in the ways of His Father according to the Holy scriptures! Yet, these books also contain evil. They contain the rebellion of Israel and the worshiping of images and hardened hearts, and the wicked ways of the nations - all of these which Yeshua has nothing to do with, except to say "Repent, the Reign of God is at hand!" and "Take up my yoke and find rest for your souls!"
The WORD of God (Logos) is the Eternal Torah, the Way of Life, of which the Law given to Moses (also from God) is but a fraction. The Torah of Moses is like the talent in the parable. Do we deposit it deeply in our hearts, walking it out, then return it as it is with no increase saying "Master, I've done all these since my youth!" He would say "If you want to enter into life, multiply what you've been given, 30 or 60 or 100 fold!"
The WORD of God (Logos) is the seed, which is either trampled upon by men, or plucked away the adversary, or having no root wilted by the sun, or smothered by thorns, or bearing much FRUIT. The Fruit of the Spirit comes from above, the eternal Torah, the WORD of God. And by our fruit we shall be known.
The WORD of God (Logos) is Salvation, who became flesh to show the way of life, to reprove the hypocrites, to heal the blind, to open the ears of the deaf, open the mouths of the mute. To cast out demons and to raise the dead, to command the wind and the waves, to feed the multitudes. It is true that man shall not live on bread alone, but on every WORD proceeding from the mouth of God.
The Torah of Moses (spoken by the mouth of God) is the testimony for us to learn from and study to help us understand the kindness and the power and glory of our Father in Heaven and to live according to His will. He is seeking (by means of His Son) the lost sheep of Israel, those who hear His WORD with fear and trembling saying "Abba Father, we have sinned and done wrong, acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your Torah and Your Salvation! We have not listened to your prophet Moses, nor the Prophets of Israel, nor the Psamists, nor your apostles! We have turned our ears away, choosing rather to seek our own pleasure and attend to the cares of this world. Father forgive us, we do not know what we do. We do not understand the width or depth or breadth or your glory, your kindness, your mercy. Show us the path for us to go! Show us the ancient paths! Show us what is good in your eyes, that we may act according to Your will. May we turn aside the vanity and defilement of this world and become clean that we may enter into Your presence...."
With a pure and sincere heart, purified by the WORD of God, we can experience the LOVE that the Father has for us - because the WORD (Logos) is the seed which is planted within us that grows and brings about eternal life! Hallelujah! Praise the Most High God!
nice comment, a lot to say! God is His Word and His Word is named Jesus! Amennn thank you @ironshield