Is it really that easy?

in #blog6 years ago

As I have pointed out in some former German articles I'm with some extra which includes Asperger's syndrome but (in my eyes) is not limited to that. Maybe that's why I fail to get a long with existing therapy options, I don't know.

However, I have to admit that I'm thinking about why I'm different, why I fail to life "normally", for quite a long time (20+ years).

Within the last few months my parents started to talk about my former brother-in-law as a person suffering from a mental disorder.
Despite having small kids, my sister and he are living apart for quite some time. Finally he has agreed to divorce my sister.

Sadly, the situation is straining the kids' mental health. My parents are much closer since it's easier for them to travel to my sister's location. I'm told some of the details but only second-handedly.
And this is where their rumours about his mental health come in.

Those rumours who make me silently questioning myself whether it's rather them "suffering" from the referred mental health issue.
A question of which I never talk when they are around and which cannot discuss with other family members either.

I have turned 41 this week.
And I didn't question their advise to go to bed before midnight the last night when I visited them this very week.

I had my guesses about what was wrong now and then before.
But finding an article about how adult women don't get off a general feeling of insecurity and being minor really hit me.

Just that question how many decisions of the last 20 years you have made up yourself.
I'm at a point in life where I cannot accept being minorized any longer.
Because some people I depend on just do not care about my feelings and I don't know how to solve that.
All women in the mentioned article did not find a way from the compensatory behaviour. One was in her sixties.

Could that be the missing puzzle piece explaining my social issues?
I'm just so unsure.
As always.

Did I already mention that I'm afraid of the future?


41 and parents still tell you when to go to bed? This is the definition of not being normal. We are the sum of all our habits and relationships. Normal habits + normal relationships = being normal. Learned helplessness

Exactly. :(

About the fact that you are unsure - please try to understand that this feeling is one of the most normal feeling in life! People who are never unsure in life - these are probably the abnormal and dangerous personalities! The definition of "normal" behaviour is given from the social society and the acceptance of how people usual have to be and how to occur and ineract in the community based on ethical acceptance. Think about how homosexuality was accepted 50-70years ago - in this time people yould say that it is kind of "desease" - bit it is not! So, i think that is really better if you are different - but in heart a good person - this is much more as to be kind of "normal" and behave same like everyone else hoping to be accepted! Emotional intelligent people will love you with all your normal and not so normal qualities and will know that friendship and social partnership is based on acceptance and understanding!
Please think about that, and ask yourself - are you unnormal - or are our sick society this one who have global menthal desease!!!Hi @isarmoewe, are your parents psychologists? meaning that somebody have menthal desease is showing how easily people mark different behaviour what they not understand as "desease" - thats not right and ethical questioned! To bring someone to get divorce or to make end of partnership is also the wrong way - then really good parents usually take care that the partnership of their child is based on love and help in the family, helping only by showing different ways and points, but not using pressure and manipulating the choice which can be signifikant for the future of somebody's life!

are your parents psychologists?

Not by profession.
They did not cause the divorce, they just talked about it.
Apart from my sister, neighter of us has met my brother-in-law for ages.

It's not about a little and healthy portion of insecurity. I wouldn't suffer if it was. ;)
