True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not. - Seneca
Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in where we want to be, what we want to achieve and what we wish to attain, that we forget how much we already have to be grateful for.
This morning I woke up, took my son to school and as I headed home, I was observing all the people around me... so many of them seemed miserably unhappy.
It really made me just stop and think for a moment how utterly blessed I am now, to be able to spend my waking hours doing something that I truly love and am passionate about.
It made me do a conscious counting of all my blessings...
Quite a good morning habit to cultivate, I thought...
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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The little things we take for granted are truly divine blessings. May we experience lot of them. You are indeed blessed...i am too.
We sure are @olawalium :)
Yes beautiful...we are. :)
You are right, sometimes we really focus so much in future that we forget our present, we forget that it is our that will shape our future. We always want to have more whether be it financially or socially, that we disregard the things we already have for the things we want...but, I don't blame anyone since, it's in human nature to always to see the glass - half empty, not half filled...
This psychology cause not only to anger and frustration when we don't get what we want, but also cause one to loose there own things and present..and this lose make us realize the importance of present and our things..
Love the post, keep the good work
I like what you have said here @casualwriter - this half empty perspective is really something that needs to change in society. Thank you for your valuable input. Much appreciated.
is a practice, but after a while we get accustomed to taking moments to be grateful for what we have and what is. And somehow life just ends up being a little better every day, as a result of simply taking these gratitude breaks.Practicing gratitude @jaynie. It
I am grateful for YOU.
Beautifully put @denmarkguy! You have a beautiful way with words and I cold not agree more. "Gratitude breaks" - I like that term :) We really could sit and be "grateful" all day long when we start analyzing just how blessed we truly are.
I too, am grateful for you :)
Thank you for your always genuine and kind words x
What you wrote in this post is the true essence behind happiness.
We always worry for a better tomorrow which never come and we die after spending a miserable life. Each day is taking you closer to your last day, enjoy now because we dont know what would be the last.
Worth reading post as always.
Very aptly put! :)
Hey! @Sister appreciated yout work! thanks for sharing the post like this.
Glad you appreciate it :)
The present is a blessing. Most times we are so interested in the future that we forget to maximize the present.
Have a stress free Thursday @jaynie
Very true @korexe
You are right ma , some ppl are on the sick bed, some died overnight , yet we are here blogging and doing what we love doing , that is enough reason to be grateful for , even if we are not at the top yet ,i strongly believe when their is life their is hope
That is so very true @sola3097 and we often take all of that for granted.
Thanks for sharing this nice piece ma'am... Very inspirational
And thank you for the positive input @vickyrich :)
Have an awesome day @jaynie xxx. Miserable people are everywhere, I try and avoid them as much as possible.
hahahaha true story @jusipassetti lol :)
True happiness comes from within, thanks for that reminder, i need to count my own blessings now and be grateful.
Much love from Nigeria @jaynie
And much love to you too @timmyeu :)
This is the only way to find true satisfaction and appreciate what we have. Only when we appreciate what we have can we see it as a blessing. I am always grateful each day for life, for air, for good health most especially. These things seem so free but many wish they have it.
Really speaking @zizymena, it is those "free" things, that are worth the most in our lives :)
It's interesting to observe in a big city how unhappy everyone seems! Like robots... Why are we loving these unhappy lives?
It truly is a sad state of affairs isnt it @positiveninja - like hamsters on a wheel. Sadly, I think it is born out of financial desperation and necessity most of the time.
I think you are very much right! Whenever I think about my ideal life vs what I live now, financial freedom is the obstacle I trip over....
Well hopefully platforms like Steemit will change that for many...
Beautiful you with this reflection, we must live in the present and do what makes us happy. That is the secret to never fail in anything.
Absolutely @marpa! Well said :)
Count your blessings, name them one by one and you'd see how blessed you are. Nice dear 👌
Precisely, because when really look at them all, there are many!
count our blessings more often. We all live 100 miles and hour always concerned with work, shopping, families, eating- what we need to do is see how blessed we are.@jaynie - you are so right, we should stop and
Here we are on Steemit, a wonderful community; able to share our hopes, thoughts & dreams; this itself, is a blessing too. Great post - upvoted!
Very true @wealth4good. The mere fact that we get to open our eyes in the morning is a blessing we should all pay more attention to. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for the lovely input :)
We should always be happy and grateful in counting the blessing we have,not only
materialistic things. Our ability to breathe air freely without paying anything should
even be enough blessings to us. Continue living a life which is full of blessings. @janie.
Absolutely @emmanuelacheamp :)
“Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in where we want to be, what we want to achieve and what we wish to attain” all these come out of Ego. Shakespeare: “To be or not to be.” When in present – to be! as we do not exists neither in past nor in future ;) Real thanks and many of them for: “It made me do a conscious counting of all my blessings... Quite a good morning habit to cultivate” Everybody can count her/his blessings; they’ve got enough to thank and God and their life. Great @jaynie
Beautifully said @leosenior :)
Have a nice day 😁.
Thanks Banana Boy :) You too!
Outstanding photography also natural beauty
Also article is so nice @jaynie
This great wiring i appreciate your life thanks for sharing this blog..Best of luck..
Wow..great writing..i appreciate this life...all the best..
This is lovely
it was really amazing to see uch scenery