Damnit! I knew I was right all along! I truly am the center of everything. Suck on that, every therapist that have told me otherwise! Ahhh it's so refreshing to realize that.
Seriously though, this is one cool layout! I like how deliberate everything is, and it's all so well thought out. I remember Fictionarium from when you last brought it up.
You are certainly the center of it all-- and so we all are! It means we are doing something extraordinary.
The map really was laid out as a mirror image of consciousness, and I tried to get as many little clues in there as I could think of. I even included more curved streets on the right (feminine) and then straight, rigid streets (masculine) on the left of the map, to correspond again with our own blueprint. The West guided by material, the East by Spiritual, etc. Fictionarium was written to mirror the world, so I wanted the towns to mirror us similarly when seen from above.