The Burden of Choice

in #blog7 years ago

I remember when I was younger life used to be much simpler and easier. As a kid, I have had limited choices, or they were usually made for me by others. There was always someone who told me what to do like when to wake up when to eat when to go to sleep e.t.c.  And as a kid, I had the illusion that when I grow up, I finally will be able to dictate my own rules and make my own choices and for some reason, I thought that it is something that will change things for the better.  But did it?

When a person lives most of his life by following his parents and society design, the moment it stops being so suddenly this person feels lost and confused. Because once that happens now, it's up to that person to decide what does he want from life and what his goals are. 

Of course, at the start, it is easy, because everybody pretty much has the same idea like get a good stable job, a car, perhaps a place to live, then start a family e.t.c. But what if you get all that too fast or don't want it? 

The thing is once the struggle stops in your life and everyday routine settles in you start thinking to yourself whether this is it? Or perhaps something else is in store in your life and if so then what. And then you conclude that well you have to find the next goal to pursue. Otherwise, it feels like life has no meaning anymore, so you begin to struggle and think of a new thing you want to achieve.

The problem is that in a world where people often say that everything is achievable if you work hard at it and genuinely want it, the hardest part is to come up with this dream or unattainable goal, that is worth your full time and dedication.

And this is when the burden of choice comes up because it is a big decision to make and often people have no idea what they want from life when asked, heck people most of the time can't even decide what to eat for dinner, let alone decide on something like that. And when people are faced with the hard decisions, we remember the good old times of childhood when everything was a lot simpler.