Days Lost to Being Sick

in #blog4 years ago


I'm sick.

It doesn't happen often. In fact, it rarely happens at all. So I've forgotten how much time can be lost when one falls ill.

So far it's been two days since my productivity has been more than cut in half. I've had to give up work, and for most of yesterday and much of today even things I normally enjoy were out of the question. Being sick is no vacation.

But there's a silver lining here.

Being out of commission has made me properly appreciate how productive I am when I am working. Nowadays there's a tendency not to appreciate our own work, to feel like 'we should be doing more.'

There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve. In fact, I believe it to be the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. However, it's also important to appreciate how productive we are today.

Studies have shown time and again that we are the most productive generation to have ever existed. But we're also the least likely to take care of ourselves physically and mentally when we need to.

So when we get a little nudge to stop in our tracks and recoup, recover, and appreciate ourselves we should take it. Because those moments are precious and few. And after they end, it's back to work.