Albert Einstein said we cannot solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. When we think differently, we receive everything we often believe we have to work for. The tricky part is that most of us need help to think different which is what motivated me to make this video explaining 10 ways I think different!
Watch First on @dtube!
For those of us wanting to read, here is a summary!
- We are capable of telepathic communication especially when making eye contact.
- Diet and belief are capable of fixing all illness within the body while most medical interventions contribute to additional illness.
- Alcohol, drugs, medications, and most supplements are poisons to the human body.
- When these bodies die, we get to got Home. Many of our immortal souls will choose to reincarnate here again after a visit with the angels and God while others will go to another planet.
- We choose our parents and lives here.
- The US government is run by the military from Nevada and provides orders to the politicians in Washington DC.
- The United States military made "first contact" after World War II with the same extraterrestrial beings that were helping the Germans and have actively collaborated ever since by receiving technology in exchange for total control.
- We are genetically engineered worker robots not native to this planet created by "God" which was a technologically advanced extraterrestrial that continues to modify and upgrade us today through vaccines.
- Our moon and earth are hollow, full of life, and represented to a galactic counsel similar to the federation in Star Trek.
- No one else exists and everything happens now. We/I am/are the beginning and the end. The alpha and the omega. We live every life, die every death, and are free forever to do whatever we want. We and I are one including love, God, and all the teaching of religions.
Thank you for watching and I hope this video was helpful today to think differently!
Jerry Banfield
▶️ DTube
Jerry, could you help me to resteem this post, please. I never ask in this way but I really want to get some attention to this. I am upvoting this comment to stay on the top of this thread for others who care about the platform to help me as well. Thank you so much all. Let's make Steemit great again! Tomas
Yes I am resteeming now because for curation and contests it is very challenging when working through copying and pasting. More discussion about plagiarism and especially alternatives may help. On my supernatural writing contest we need to use copyscape and require many words to minimize this and with photography it must be a nightmare! We also do not benefit from giving those of us that copy images elsewhere rewards.
I really was hoping you would get a chance to check this out. After your very vibrant response to my Supernatural Writing Contest entry I felt inspired to share this conscious, mind opening music video and I would love it if you got to see it! Hope you do!Hi @Jerrybanfield thank you so much for this post. Sharing truths can be difficult to digest for some but thanks for having the courage to do it!
Thank you so much Jerry! Truly appreciated. Tomas
I like this statement;
But the government still keep printing money with the thinking of improving the economy, and keep fighting war in middle east with the thinking of stopping it.
Those are quite the interesting beliefs you have there @jerrybanfield. I personally don't agree with a lot of them, but you're 100% entitled to your beliefs and I'm 100% entitled to disagree with those beliefs as long as I do so in a productive way that doesn't endanger either of us.
I have one question about #2. How do you explain something like the polio vaccine? Do you believe that we as human beings are simply trading one disease for another (in this case polio for some other disease such as cancer)? Or is it simply the fact that we believe we have the cure and vaccine for polio and therefore that's enough to ward off the disease?
Brandon I appreciate you joining us here in the discussion and I am not sure all of the details although I would guess your suggestion of trading one disease for another is accurate.
The vaccines seem to modify our bodies to resist some diseases which likely makes them vulnerable to others perhaps things we were immune to before that become harmful. On a deep level our bodies give us what we want and if we believe a vaccine works it probably does regardless of whether what it does contributes. When we believe we are immune to disease, our bodies are more likely to create that.
That's basically what I was thinking. While I do think that there is something in terms of your thoughts affecting your physical body, I just don't know if I believe it goes that far (in terms of preventing diseases).
I just want to say, look up history of the polio vaccine and polio vaccine shedding studies. You will find an alarming number of studies and resources that actually show how the polio vaccine was actually spreading polio and creating vaccine strain polio in family members who had recently vaccinated children. The fact is, sometimes vaccines don't work as intended and when they don't those "adverse reactions" aren't discussed openly nearly as much as they should be.
@Jerrybanfield when you talk about vaccines altering us you couldn't be more right. The vast majority of vaccines are grown on living human DNA as these are human viruses and bacteria. These human DNA origins are unfortunately very hard to discuss for some while the detachment for others can be almost equally uncomfortable as they originate from fetal cells such as the lung, liver, and kidney tissues of various fetuses. For many vaccines strains 10+ separate fetuses were tested but failed to properly create the required results to the virus or bacteria.
For example the MMR is still using fetal DNA from a fetus that was a electively aborted back in the 80's. In terms of evolution we are using DNA from humans that are more than 4 decades old. Not only that but "insertional mutagenesis" is where the DNA fragments, when injected can cause genetic mutations in the recipient. Many vaccines have "adverse reactions" such as arthritis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases listed because when vaccine fail to have the desired response and instead cause mutations in the recipient DNA you end up with childhood arthritis, auto immune diseases on the wide and everything inbetween.
Thank you so much for this post Jerry. My intutition told me you were about to share some truths and that was spot on. You are woke my friend!
I'm confused. Is this an expected outcome? 😀
I'm confused, because I don't know if this is to be taken serious or just some kind of humor I don't get - but most of all: Why would anyone believe these things at all?
How does a believe in a hollow earth, or flat earth or whatever make you a better and more loving human being? How does this help?
When I believed the opposite of everything shown in the video here, I was not very happy on a day to day basis!
It's wonderful, that you are happy with these believes. I also didn't want to say, that I believe the opposite, just that for me all these believes have nothing to do with happiness/truth/god for me. They are not even spiritual. I have always wondered, why believing that the Queen is a Reptiloide or anything like this, is here to help us? Feel free to believe whatever you want - by all means - if it makes you happy, it's perfect. It's just that "finding out the truth" has another meaning for me and in the end has nothing to do with believes at all.
i can't say i believe the opposite of everything here, but nor would i ever say that i believe all those things by any means. i don't think happiness is in any way connected to believing that we know aliens, or that we're being modified in such ways by vaccines. As popular as you are here, now i'm starting to worry! It's beginning to feel like an alt-cult a bit.
Oh My! Jerry you certainly have testicular fortitude in posting this! Your next post must certainly be about cognitive dissonance...there should be lots of that going on among your followers right now! As for myself I'm pretty much in alignment with all the points but 6-9. I am aware, most certainly of these points, but don't know for myself yet of their validity. However, coming from you, whom I believe to be one of the more aware humans around, the information gains strength.
I've known for quite some time that our Presidents are for the most part puppets. It's pretty obvious if one is really paying attention. However, it seems to me that Hillary, for example, would have driven us deeper into the puppet masters hands than perhaps Trump has. Frankly, I just don't know. I am of the opinion that it is our own Bastards, not alien ones, that have controlled the banking systems and governments from behind thick veils for centuries.
As concerns the ONENESS you speak of there is a level of knowing that goes beyond a mental construct or reasoning. There have been many, from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds who have experienced this ONENESS on deep levels of higher consciousness. It is quite profound and life changing.
Just this morning I've been composing a post on the phenomenon of collective unconsciousness or morphogenetic fields as defined by Sheldrake...a theme compatible with what you have presented today. Ultimately I'm hoping too present this type of information upon this platform, as it seems you are, to help people become more aware of their inner worlds, origins and connection to the eternal ONE. Frankly, I believe that unless we as humans make the leap beyond our limited egocentric survival paradigm we are doomed. Blessings on your head my friend.
I LOVE Rupert Sheldrake!
A biologist after my own heart, with the exact same issues with biology I had, and what an interesting guy! I dearly loved his Trialogues with Terence McKenna and Ralph Abraham.
I've been preparing some posts along these lines as well, so our posts may well turn out to be complimentary. I did post one a few days back, which is on gratitude, and I talk about the work of Byron Katie. She is also in agreement on Oneness, and it features strongly in her work, which I recommend.
You may find the post of interest if you care to check it out on my page. I know Jerry is not fond of dropping links here, and has admonished others for doing so, so I won't do that.
Yes, indeed, I will take a look. As for Byron Katie, I have a well worn book of hers on the shelf next to me at this very moment: Loving What Is. And Rupert S! What a light in a forest of ignorance! Not so sure about the hollow-earth concept. Hmnnn ... I think even Rupert would fain declare that in public! Blessings.
That's the audiobook I just finished. Wonderful book, and quite profound.
I'm about to start her book "I Need Your Love - Is That True?" Looking forward to it.
Yeah, Sheldrake is in a class all his own. I absolutely adore the man. What insight.
And I've yet to be convinced regarding hollow earth and moon, being genetically engineered by aliens and the rest. I'll allow that I don't know, and that it is not completely outside the realm of possibility, but I am thus far unconvinced.
Yeah, I agree... "the moon rang like a bell" is ... well, a bit too much much for me. An odd thing to say coming from one who has danced with spirits and whose pen is moved by unseen energies.
Wow those stories need to be real man
Here's to the crazy ones — the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently — they're not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things.
Hi Jerry. The best way to speak with you is in your discord? Or here? I have zero problem thinking differently personally. It's what i've always done. And i think that different thinking has produced some crazy level value that i believe could be a benefit to steem. Love to talk! Of course you're kind of a big deal here, so i guess that could be hard to do at any depth or length. Hey, you never know. Alx
Apart from this post, you do obviously seem very interested in putting effort into steem and making it grow, and that's what i'm interested in, not adopting new sets of beliefs, several of which i've seen or heard no remotely convincing information.
We can agree to disagree on a lot of that stuff, and still talk about the more definitely IRL things that can be of great value to steem, like actual "IDEAS". The biggest and most supported ideas i've seen so far, seem to be copycats of external services provided off chain by many companies. That's not getting us to popular adoption unless those services get GREAT, technically, and in terms of how they work/result in production.
Is there a great idea here? Like something truly different from slightly different youtube clones? Utopian i have zero problem with. DTube seems to be putting up some original content. Zappl seems to have a decent chance.
Anything truly new that might actually give the world a reason to care that we exist?
Some of the genius here, NEEDS to be on truly original and innovative projects.
I would love your opinions at least on that. What do you see that's "DIFFERENT" [but good]
oh very good!!!!!!!!!
Not bad Jerry - how about reptilians who surround us in our world and with their vibration exactly the same as ours so we cant recognise them unless in slow motion on TV. The Moon is a hologram and Hollyweird is full of the Elite who clone actors and use Mind Programing to the Stars who can influence the general populous. How About the 13 Richest families in the World the own the rest of the world and World Banks..
Hello, Jerry! We will be happy if our project helps to think about a new large number of people. We will be glad to communicate and raise our idea!
Those stories need to be real man
I really think like that
Someone is seeing what we are doing and they will come and say it to us that we are responsible for the our problems and we have failed them
Have you ever heard about the cryptocurreny BRO?

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I tried to register, but I wasn’t able to see the captcha on my phone.
I dont know why there is no captcha at your phone, sry... I am listening to bitradio on my pc and it works really well... even local radios from austria salzburg (my base) !

here are my results for today... the first day!
Thank you for this usefull insight, it's already something i'm doing on an everyday basis, but i would have my reservation about some of these beliefs, if you are okay with people thinking differently, i hear what you say, i'm open to it, but don't ask me to believe in some of this. I give some of these theories the benefit of the doubt, but not my full on belief.
And i'll give you a quote for that :
"Being my best friend isn't allways thinking exactly what i think, and following me in everything i do, but is someone that can take his own path and we come along at some intersections."
You made a list of your life changing thoughts. Ok, it's cool. I found out really cool Hegel Logic. It's part of classical Logic. Lenin said that only Hegelian dialectic show to us move of matter through time, it's evolution and changing.
Dialectic is a nother tool to become better thinker. You get thesis, then find antithesis to this, and do sintes. Example: Sky + ground = fire (it use ground(tree branches) as a fuel and Oxygen )
I really see Hegelian logic in the Bible. Yes, it was before him, but it's great taht Biggest cultural book in history has logic of creation.
Definitely. Common pattern in qabalah. "I really see Hegelian logic in the Bible."
Whaaaaat? I am about begining of the world. HE was at the begining and nothing was before HIM, and nothing will be without HIM. This logic Hegel show in his book.
jerrybanfield is a brand. GOOD BRAND!
that's really different
your thinking is amazing
thanks for that @jerrybanfield
@jerrybanfield I respect your views and beliefs, however, you mention God many times but fail to acknowledge his only unique Son, Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah. You fail to mention that through Him we achieve victory over death and through Him we conquer all spiritual and natural adversaries. You also fail to mention His return to the Earth, to reclaim the throne and take His inheritance. All of these things and more are so very important to the story of humanity, and they all must be fulfilled in order to achieve The Kingdom of God on the Earth. I don't mean to imply that you are a failure, but you have missed many vital points that need to be made in order to spread the truth of His Gospel. I wish you the most success and Shalom brother!
You think quite different from many people! I have talk about beliefs here
And it's effect here
I will follow your posts more closely, to see the unique characters you have based on your beliefs.
You are quite interesting Sir!
You mean to tell me that this is what you actually believe!!! Now it looks like the guy that invited me to Steemit, is a nut-job. WTF!
"If you come to Steemit, you'll make enough money to replace your toilet" How could I have been so stupid?
Ugh... This sucks!
Did you make enough money to replace your toilet?
Ugh... Not yet
My lazy ass wife got lockjaw from squatting on a coffee can and then had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. She is currently comatosed in the hospital. So with all that and my recent time in jail, I haven't had a chance to go by the junk yard to pickup a good toilet.
I actually don't even know how to turn Steemit into cash, they made it too complicated!
well done man..
FINALLY someone speaks the truth!
very good news for us to increase our steem.thanks alot.
This is great, weldone.
Thank you @jerrybanfielf it's was very helpfull
Wow! Interesting video worth resteemed
its really informative for us thanks for sharing this
Keep taking the medication xox
it is really informative and helpful..thank you so much
Thanks for your tips.
That's interesting that you bring up the Earth and moon both being hollow. I've read that the moon was actually manufactured and is hollow while others say that it is inhabited on the dark side. The thing about the earth being hollow that I'd have my doubts about though is the hot core. The closer you get to the center the hotter it gets making it tough to survive down there. How would you suppose they get around that?
Whatever lives there has technology that might be hard for us to imagine today!
There is a really good book by Ingo Swann one of the creators of remote viewing called "penetration" where he gives a pretty detailed account of working for the government on investigating the aliens on the dark side of the moon. Very interesting stuff if you're into it.
This is beautiful @jerrybanfield.
I've been following you for some time, and I'm amazed by your insights. These 10 things are intense, and as I've gotten older, they are real things.
Great thoughts, great concepts.
Have a brilliant day! Keep up the good work. #grateful
you don't really think those are all real things do you drkent? you do nice streams i think, but those things aren't all real lol. we're gettin' CRAZY here.
Haha, well @alxgraham, what is "real". I think I probably should have put scare quotes on it. It's more about Schrodinger's cat. The real has become unreal and the unreal has become real. Not becoming crazy; already am :) Haha. Thanks for the note.
I consider myself as one of the different thinkers. My mind is wide and my eyes have been opened. Your videos are awesome!
I can't agree less
Thanks @jerrybanfield
with your information we get help especially on dtube is very happy to use the application .. thank you informationnya hope you succeed always
@jerrybanfield all of them sound right to me, you have to make your own choices and live with them for the rest of your life and even in the after life I think. Keep up the great work Jerry
This is my first time commenting on your post @jerrybanfield, although I've been a followers for a few weeks.
I'm seriously having a very big problem right now. I'm damn broke. I can't afford to feed myself anymore. But one thing about this post is that it lifted my morale to think different.
I think I'm gonna adopt most of the ways you listed up there. Thank you very much for this info.
I wish I could learn how to use telepathy the right way. I cant even find good books regarding the topic. Because you are right! We are capable of doing that, but unfortunately we dont know how. It happens when it happens , but we cant control it :(
And now a days many things are happening. People are taking photos and videos of UFOs in every country. But I find it very strange that the press is not giving enough interest to the topic, even it is the most important topic in our life. If they give more attention to it, many things will be explained.
Thank you for the great topic Jerry and for the step that you did. Now many people will follow and have enough courage to talk about it :)
Yup that means start from "Zero to One"..@jerrybanfield
Very inspiring
Also, I think you meant to type something else in point 4 of the summary
i love your post. i wait for next post carry @bijoy123
I can relate with number one and two
congratlation brother again you nice post share ...
more power to you for stating your beliefs!. I am with you on a few of them but have my own beliefs regarding the realm in which we live. A lot of my beliefs go against the mainstream view of things so I tend to keep most of them to myself which isn't a good thing really
Perfect post...
Quite interesting set of beliefs....
I would not resort to flattery here
I would not lie to you as some of the believes seems pretty crazy to me....
But they are your beliefs and I respect them as long as you are not imposing them on me/others...
So no offence Jerry, I really want to build a relationship with you and the first prerequisite for any relationship is sincerity...Hope I didn't offended you...Because I adore you and your work,
Good and very interesting!
I am too a thinker with a random mind..that's why i consider myself as a restless minded person..this is how i introduced myself here on steemit. maybe you have an idea about Agartha?what can you say about it?