What if I told you that we have been lied to our entire lives. What if not only us but our parents, grand parents and more have all been lied to. What would you think? Where do I start. The reality is that we have been lied to. When did I finally wake up and start to put the pieces together? The story goes like this.
I always loved science in school. I was the kid who took apart my toys to see how they worked. Science is the study of how things work (or so I thought it was supposed to be). I received two science degrees, graduating top of the class, Summa Cum Laude, in my field. I also have several decades of study in another field of ancient texts and sacred writings. It was the study of ancient texts that really got me to think about our human past history and how we got here.
My accelerated awakening began when I realized the true science about our solar system, galaxy and universe. Greater men than me (much smarter as well) wrote about our existing in an electromagnetic universe, Field Theory as apposed to Atomic Theory. I was taught all my life about Atomic Theory and thought it was the truth for the most part. When I learned about Field Theory, I realized that it was the truth, not Atomic Theory. There is no way I will even begin to explain the difference between the two in this or any post. It would take years at best. To start that journey, I highly recommend you read the works of Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Michael Faraday, Oliver Heaviside, Nikola Tesla and Eric Dollard. We live in an Electromagnetic Universe or Theory of Anti-Relativity, this is the opposite of what Universities around the world teach.
This is the point that woke me up as a research scientist and ever since, my research has excelled in leaps and bounds. Our Sun (or any star for that matter) is not a giant gas planetary object burning nuclear fusion of Hydrogen and Helium. Our Sun is an electromagnetic emitter. Light is greatly misunderstood and the theory of photons is not correct. You can not see any star in "free space". What we call sun light, is only observable when gross mater is Involved. From outer space you can see planets, moons, comets, asteroids, planetary satellites but not stars. We see the visible light spectrum from Earth because of the EMR (electromagnetic radiation) coming through our atmosphere that breaks down the EMF transmission into a waste by-product. To understand this a little bit better, in a very brief explanation, listen to this short video.
Eric Dollard worked for RCA labs for over a decade in the 1970's and early 1980's. Do some research about RCA corporation and Serco of Hook Hampshire, it will be very interesting what you find. Understanding electromagnetic radiation and the EMF spectrum is the key to our existence. The reason I bring up this topic is because it is the tip of the spear. If the global education institutions promoted false science for decades to the students than what else is false, yet promoted as truth? Most all the scientific theories collapse if there is no such thing as the speed of light or the famous equation E=MC2.
If stars are truly transformers, emitting energy from counter space than what is counter space and where is that EMF radiation coming from? Here is another question to ask. We have discovered that the electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths has data attached to it. Where did this information come from? Who programmed the wavelengths with this data? Does anyone else know this? Is there an attempt to interrupt the transmission of the live data stream coming from our Sun? Is the world we live in, a cleaver psychological imitation of the true reality that we should all be experiencing? These are questions that I never heard anyone ask before. 99.9% of the global population does not even think about these questions nor do most of them even care. Many will say, what does this have to do with me and my daily routine? How does this discussion help my bank account grow and put food on the table? Those are good questions but the answer is that it does matter. The problem is, that people are not advanced enough in their conscious development to understand the answers.
I do not mean to put anyone down. This is not my motive nor do I claim to have all of the answers but I am learning a lot about mass deception that exists everywhere. The designers of our current global system of things (or powers to be) want us to be busy with day to day routines and not take the time to think outside the box. Since birth, we are inundated with marketing as to how we are to behave, what we desire, what we think success is and what it takes to be happy. All of this is artificial and benefits those on top who designed the system. It is very difficult to "unplug from the Matrix" that we participate in. Religions, Governments, Universities, Corporations and Communities all pressure us to think and behave in certain ways. I for one, never wanted to be a sheep being lead by the designers of this Matrix.
Through science research, which is private and not peer reviewed or shared with the general public, we have found that there is intelligence throughout the universe. We have found universal laws that exist and that breaking such laws will have consequences. In future posts I will share some of our findings and fastening results in general terms. One example is that the universe does not tolerate, deception, falsehoods and laziness. Practicing such traits will cause consequences. Some people call it Karma but the law is consistent. Any behavior that does not promote life and justice will be eliminated. Galactic resets occur as needed and we are no exception. All levels of life are under such laws, micro or macro. Evidence is pointing to a rest coming our way. What this reset is, is very alarming and interesting at the same time. Stay tuned for more posts.
image from: everythingselectric.com
@jetblake, I have also gone through the same journey but I am convinced you are a few miles ahead of me. Without knowing you wrote this post I wrote one that is kind of the same explaining how we are blinded by bullshit that people call 'science'.
The very word science is sacred. If someone says: that science concluded. Then it must be true especially if it was peer reviewed! Owwwww then my sun! Then it is the holy grail of truth.
But that is bullshit! People lie and they deceive and when there is big money involved nothing is to far fetched! I like your post @jetblake. Hopefully people start waking up a bit.
Check out my latest interview released a few hours ago on Crypto News Matt Beasley (You Tube).
Yes, isn't it truly amazing how most of us are truly alone in this world when we finally come to the realization that everything has been a lie and we had to unplug ourselves from it. This would include our family, friends, co-workers, school friends, and anyone else that honestly they look at us like we are talking crazyness. I unpluged my tv's as well back in 1994. My wife at the time, ex-wife now looked at me like I was nuts. Glad you are keeping a low profile. Will be interested in hearing more of your research and thoughts about all things, since everything is connected in one way or another. Great article, will be going through more of your writings in the little spare time I have.
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, when you unplug you loose friends. Glad you enjoyed the interview.