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RE: Why I Hated Star Wars Under Disney

in #blog8 years ago

Was born 1985. First saw original three Star Wars films during the Special Editions release in cinemas in 1997, and then saw the Phantom Menace two years later. I love the OT. But then fell in love with the prequels. I am liking the sequels. I think I like the cartoons even more.
My favorite trilogy is the prequels. Second is the original, and third is the sequel trilogy. But this sequel (third) trilogy is still not over yet. So, it has potential. I want to see old Luke Skywalker fight.
People disliked how cold, emotionally, the prequels were, but that is how things were. I do not call it bad acting and I do not blame it on George Lucas. I have been making videos and movies as an actor and writer and director since 1996 and I think Lucas did what he wanted for the prequels and it is his story and he does not have to get us to like his story. Anakin Skywalker was not a bad actor or character. He did awkward things because he was awkward. That was the point. People were stuck in the middle as the Emperor clouded everything. It effected everything. As far the designs go, the sequels are probably lacking like you said.


Yeah, you took the words outta my brain, buddy.

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