The city I live in is starting to lose its original charm. I originally moved to San Francisco about 10 years ago. I loved this city when I first moved here, and I still do today. San Francisco is a major hub for technology and many successful startups are born here. Back in the good old days, rents were much lower, less homeless, and the iPhone wasn't even out yet. In fact, the first iPhone commercial aired a month after I moved here. Mobile apps weren't consuming our lives and although we were still connected to the internet, life was simpler. It's amazing to think about how much can change in just a decade.
San Francisco architecture has a unique look to it and it is slowly being diminished. As new software and mobile startup companies are created and demand for employees increases dramatic changes are inevitable. There is huge demand here for housing. With the influx of new San Franciscans, housing has become scarce. Rents and real estate have gone through the roof. They are selling "crackhouses" for millions. What most people don't understand is that rent control laws have a direct effect on the housing market and availability. If we removed these laws, even with the growing population, housing would not be as bad. Part of the reason for the increase in rent is because of all the people on rent control. The apartments that are not rent controlled have skyrocketing prices. The only new construction in the city is for luxury housing that only the wealthy can afford. Most will avoid constructing low-cost housing because of a low-profit margin. The rent control laws completely backfire.
This city has become extremely unaffordable for average people. If you are not lucky enough to be involved in a high-paying technology job or building a well funded started up, most likely you are struggling to survive. Every day I go to the corner markets I can see that prices are being increased. The number of homeless people has increased drastically over the years. When I walk down the city blocks people are sleeping on the street. It is sad because I am literally stepping over people without even thinking twice about it.
As the mobile market has boomed over the last decade, I've seen so many changes to how the San Francisco economy functions. We no longer ride in cabs, we take Ubers. We no longer go out to eat, we just order PostMates. We no longer have to cash checks at the bank, we just snap a picture on our cellular. Sometimes, when I lift my head away from my phone screen I notice everyone is on their phones as well. We are connected today but divided.
There are more Uber drivers today than cab drivers. The number of bicycle lanes has increased and with construction happening everywhere traffic is a nightmare. This chill, laid-back, city is starting to change. It is all about what company is getting funded, which employer is going to pay more, will we get bought out for millions, I have a new startup idea, I need a programmer. For others, they are just grinding out their paychecks trying to make ends meat.
Even with all of these changes that have occurred, I still love San Francisco. There are so many amazing adventures you can find yourself in. My favorite activities in San Francisco are walking the city as far as I can, sightseeing all the amazing architecture, and learning the history.
Starting to change!?!
Yeah, imagine it 30 years ago. Oh man it was so flippin' Awesome. I lived in the mission when it was still the mission! I lived in Berkeley when there were still a lot of warehouses boarded off into illegal apartments, chock full O' all sorts of wild artists and misfit toys. Wrestling on the train tracks in the dark, Sampling Saki at the Takara distillery, staying out all sorts of crazy hours. Having taxi's refuse to pick us up because we were laughing too hard, falling all over the place. The early Santa Cons with beer in a PineSol bottle - It was so much fun! I even spent a year living in Oakland at the Vulcan.
Santa Cruz too, woah. That place is so packed now, too many cars for me.
I guess I'll have to go to Iceland next since everyone seems to be slowly moving on Northwards where I bailed to, oh, about 10 years ago!
Nice, I know what you mean about the late nights, still happens today. :D I guess it still holds some of the same qualities today. Thanks for commenting.
Great photos! I should have led with that, DOH! I'm sure there's a lot of quality still, it is the citizens, as you mention, with lower incomes who are missing. OK and some of the old architecture.
A decade there is pretty sweet. I bet you've seen a lot!
Thanks, and yes the last decade here has been awesome. Let's just say I don't miss snow.
Bay Area born and raised. I love that city. I've seen so many changes since my first forays into The City, some good, many bad. Many artist have been pushed out. Shit it wasn't that long ago that the Mission was mostly burrito shops instead of hipster second hand outlets. I live in Siem Reap Cambodia now but will return to the US next year for my brother's wedding and may stay in the bay for a while and work. But yeah, i know so many that ten years ago were moving to Oakland. Now people can't afford Oaktown. Not to mention this is the result of waves of gentrification that many minorities have struggled with for over 30 years. I used to work in East Palo Alto, and most of my homies there straight up said to me, after work, get on the 101 and don't look back, you're cool, but wrong color skin so get home safe. Now EPA is just an extension of Palo Alto. Anyway, point is i have several friends going through exactly what you are right now so i feel you. Listen to heart. Do you love living in the City so much that you are willing to deal with all of the negatives? There are so many positives too as I'm sure you know well. Sonoma County is sweet, but if you work in the city, the commute would suck. Southbay has some cool nooks and crannies, but even there is spendy nowadays...
Great shots though. Love that city. And best of luck to you in your struggles. Used to live down by Divis and Fulton in late '90's and early '00's and after I left for Flagstaff AZ, i would visit that area often. I remember paying $1500 for a two bedroom on Broderick split two ways. I know people now that pay more than twice that for a studio in one of the few shit parts of town left...
You make it to Symbiosis Gathering before?