in #blog7 years ago

Hello steemians, am here to share with you the parable of the seed sower and show you the different aspects of a Christian life. This is the first part dubbed #A SOWER 1

A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and it was trampled down, and birds of the air devoured it.
Now the parade is this; the seed is the word of God. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear, then the devil comes and takes away the word of their heart, lest they should believe and be saved (Luke 8: 5, 11 -12)


One serious disease in this world is deception. Actually, it's the devil's favourite weapon and strategy. And all his agents and servants use it well. No wonder leaders, governments, politicians, religious leaders and people in general like to deceive.

the deceived


But to be deceived and not knowing that you are deceived is even more serious. I remember encountering a school mate one day, and engaged him with questions, trying to bring him to the faith in Christ. I asked him if he knew Jesus. His answer shocked me. He told me he is a free-thinker. I asked him to explain himself what he meant by free-thinker. It ended up that he has been deceived.

He has bought into philosophies and words in reggae music he listened to over the years and he has now graduated to become a free-thinker.
My problem is that, Jesus likened people like this man to wayside soil. Their hearts have been hardened by many things, so they are not receptive to what can save them. The seeds of God's word can't get in there.

Moreover, they trample it with what they know, have experienced and accepted as truth. So the devil takes away what ever message or word that one preaches to them. Interestingly to observe is that, in their mind and thinking, they think they are okay and even good than those preaching to them, so what is the need. Moreover, most of these people have good points and reasons not to come to Jesus or join themselves to a church. What is serious for me is that their good points and reasons are not good enough to save them and deliver them from eternal damnation.


That is the deception aspect. Wayside soil makes the devil happy, because the word of God can take root there.

Are you a wayside soil? Please, it's time to examine your heart, so that the seed of God's word can take root there for your eventual salvation and healing.

So as you go through the day and live life, ask God to make your heart a receptive one, not hardened heart like the wayside soil.
May your heart become receptive to the word of God and may every good seed sown there take root and grow well to yield good fruits and results. May the Lord stop the devil from stealing the word of God away through deception.
May your life be blessed and prosper in Jesus name. Amen

Thanks for reading,
@johnsonkoranteng #Steemitghana



Deception is really a tool the devil is using against us. Thanks for sharing bro

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Bro i have learnt something about deception today. Thank you

Always welcome

I really love the parable of the seed sower, it shows how believers of God receive the word of God. Great message thanks

The sequels will follow as well

Good post bro, the grace shall be on you bro

If we open our heart and allow the word of God which is the seed to be sown well
in us, the word shall be a blessing to our lives. You deserve our appraisal for
this mystery. @johnsonkoranteng.

That is a post from hard work. Thanks @johnsonkoranteng