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RE: Bunnypuncher debate topic - Let's figure out: WEED (3 good entries will win 2 Steem each)

in #blog7 years ago

Now I get you to that cannabis can get one peraniod and sometimes even on the verge of a panic attack! It’s not for everyone, but just know you where probably consuming some cannabis with high THC. There are different strains of cannabis with lower levels of THC that can actually trigger social behavior, like wanting to be around a group and meet different people!

but let’s talk some real talk

you want a good argument why it should be legal? Honestly give me a good reason why it should be illegal!!!

cannabis does not get one stupid. Cannabis can actually be profound and make one think outside the box.

and cannabis brings people together. A special bond of unity! It does not create chaos like other drugs, and alcohol. It creates a calm and inviting atmosphere . If only it was legal, and the lies would stop.


Actually paranoia is a primary result of certain molds and mildew from untested and improperly grown Cannabis...

And better start sending invitations out!

Cannabis community!