If you've seen me these past three days or so be way more active than 'normal' and you've thought to yourself, huh, I wonder what's up with that?
Well, I have chosen to take myself seriously and become a full-time Josie. This, this is going to be a job now and I'm going to treat it with as much diligence and care as I would any 'regular corporate job'.
There are a few factors that have led me to this. The first was the realisation, *dogh* of course, I should have done this the moment I 'got free', and honestly I have no excuses, only maybe that I really thought that BTC would have done waaay better by now.. you know, halvening an all that jazz.., but let's be real, Bitcoin is not doing as fantastic as it 'could have'.
One other aspect that kind of pointed me to this direction was seeing job ads about positions of editors in the local news portal, which made me think.. how little it would make sense for me to apply for anything like that.. it's like what I already have freely available minus all the freedom to write about whatever I want, whenever I want and not having to deal with all the corporate bullshit.
Sure here I take all the risks and all the responsibility myself, but the freedom benefit is invaluable.
And I'm also aware that not all work days may be 'good work days', but it's the effort and dedication that I'm counting on here. Like today, for example, it's been a long and taxing day at my other 'nearly full-time job that's not an actual job' i.e. working on renovating Grandma's house and so my brain is in a bit of a mush, so baking up a quality post is more challenging and I might fail content quality wise on occasions like these, but at this point, I have nothing to lose by taking myself, HIVE, all of you guys, and my own freedom seriously.
Sure we have no guarantees of where this world is going to end up at, but for what its worth, before push comes to shove, I'm locking in on this path.
Maybe I'll fail.
But maybe, maybe I'll thrive together with HIVE.
It's about time to lock in!
