📷 Travel Blog - Germany - Königssee - 11 pictures, 1 video

in #blog8 years ago

This trip in June 2016 to Berchtesgaden and its surroundings was a jackpot for eyes and soul. The water at Obersee was so clear, I drank as much as I could and couldn't resist jumping all in... just to be sure I didn't regret anything after leaving.

I didn't see any Adam and Eve enjoying themselves but this piece of land was the most beautiful place I was lucky to witness so far.

Here are some impressions

Ride on the KönigsseeIt takes 1 hour to cross the Königssee + a 1 1/2 - 2 hour hike to reach Obersee and a additional 45 minutes + 30 minute climb to get wet under the Röthbachfall - Germany's talles waterfall.

This giant lagoon is accessible with electric boats only.

It takes 30 minutes additionally to the hike to climb to the highest possible point without climbing gear.

Due to its unique seclusion the area is very clean and just wonderful to look at. I want to go back and spend more time exploring.

Also got some video footage

Thank you for stopping by

Best wishes!


This is a repost I did seven months ago - original

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Tolle Bilder und Erinnerungen. Ist glaube es ist schon über 20 Jahre her, dass ich das letzte Mal am Königssee war. Wird mal wieder Zeit :-)

Vielleicht kennst Du ein weiteres, deutsches Fleckchen Erde, dass unbedingt besucht werden muss, dass ich noch nicht kenne, dann haben wir uns gegenseitig inspiriert

waaauw looks freaking good man :D

uber toll

Wonderful images, the water is perfect!

It also tasted good, thx!

Hi jumowa ... this are really wonderful pictures, you was so lucky with the weather ... thanks for sharing your travel experience

Thank you herbix. I never thought about the weather - yea, very lucky indeed :]]

Wow! The photos were breathtaking, looks like a fantastic trip you had. Thanks for the repost as I would probably never get to see this if you didn't :) It's almost like me taking a trip I will never get to take.

Although living here for three decades I am just starting to explore and am surprised myself how many beautiful pieces of land are to discover. I bet your surroundings have also their interesting places to offer

Yes, I have also just recently discovered that my surroundings are beautiful and I have taken for granted for decades. I guess I forgot to stop to smell the roses while I was getting busy with life :)

da denk ich mir nichts böses als ich aufgestanden bin und dann kommst du daher mit bilder aus meiner heimat, die ich schon seit 10 jahren nicht mehr gesehen habe :-)
königsee is geil gell :-) wenn du halb übern see bist gibts einen klasse wasserfall zum baden, also in den augeschwemmten becken. den erreicht man aber nur zu fuß.

😊, Danke Chris. Den muss ich noch unbedingt anschauen, ausprobieren. Wir hatten nicht den ganzen Tag, dacher sind wir erst ganz am Ende ausgestiegen

isn geheimtip hahaha
und es geht auf pfaden auf denen du nicht versichert bist wenn was passiert :-)

Wenn ich drauf gehe, hab ich wenigstens was erlebt. Vielleicht nächstes Jahr

Amazing spot. On the 1st picture, is that a cottage or something?

I'm not sure what's inside but I assume it's either a tool storage or a boat garage. There is a second one in the water on the other side of the lake.

Amazing place

Incredible images - one of the most beautiful places in Germany!

thank you

Beautiful! I love travelling too. A dream to see Germany....Have followed and upvoted you. Hope you can follow me too! Looking forward to more great posts!

Congrats @jumowa. Your photo made it on the Top Photographs Daily Selection today :). Upvoted and Resteemd!


thank you for featuring me

Beautiful!! Amazing clear water!! Did you post this also on tsu? I think I remember a picture of the clear lake...

I think I posted the best ones on tsu, yea.

Thx, Yea, I drank so much of that water that day in believe it would have any mysterious potive effect on my health. it was so clear and no pollution at all

A friend was once in Austria at a place like that, the water was/had drinking water quality. I would love to live at a place like that...

Me too! I live in Frankfurt atm and we are still deciding if to move toward the ocean or into the mountains

I live near Maastricht. There is a national park around the corner, very nice and beautiful, but that is an other level of beautiful, lakes like that... I think I would choose the mountains...

Plus the air is very clean. the only thing I would miss is the sun, it gets darker faster and the winters are longer

Summer in the mountains and winters near the ocean.

man, all that green looks so amazing!!

Absolutely amazing what a breathtaking beautiful area