The key to success is Yourself

in #blog8 years ago


I read a lot of book lately ,many of them is the book about business and motivation and in those book telling me to do this and that to achieve success. it is not the book that wrong ... it is me whos wrong interpreted the mean of success. the book always right , there is no book to tell you to done wrong (im talking bout motivation book here :))
its showing me the way with my heart my mind and my finger
this is how it work

1.find your heart desire
2.think about it are you doing it right
2a. let your heart and mind argue about it
3.type it after you finished argue between your heart and mind and add some creativity on it
4.there you go you have created your killer post

even if you cant get tons of upvote here ... atleast you are original
and original worth way way more than money