Let’s Talk: Star Wars Episode 2

in #blog7 years ago

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

There’s 8 days left until The Last Jedi releases, and there are 8 Star Wars movies, so I’m going to rank and review them from worst to best.

Meaning, number 8 in the list, is Attack of the Clones.


Now, for most, The Phantom Menace is the worst, I disagree.

I’ll save the reasons why The Phantom Menace is better for when we get it, so instead, let’s talk about why Attack of the Clones is worse.

The biggest reason is quite simple. A good half of the movie, so about an hour of it, maybe a little less, consists of Anakin rather intensely eye fucking Padmé. Now, in Episode 3, their relationship is tolerable and believable, but here? No. We all know the infamous line about sand.

That’s the level of dialogue we’re at here.

Sure, Star Wars has never been known for its brilliant acting or fabulous dialogue, but some of the things in this movie are too bad for me to handle.

Now, yes, the Clones being introduced is cool, and the big battle at the end is awesome. However, the battle between Obi Wan, Anakin, Count Dooku and Yoda, to me, is pretty underwhelming. At least, when compared to many of the other far greater lightsaber battles in the Prequels.

Also, Jango Fett. What a waste. Much like his son, he comes, he looks cool and badass, then gets taken out like a bitch. It’s as if George Lucas didn’t learn anything from Boba 20 years prior. It simply disappoints me.

At the end of the day, Attack of the Clones feels like a bridge. A needless middle man between the beginning of the Prequels and the end. It has a few key moments, but they feel so stretched out and uninteresting and it irks me.

For these reasons, Attack of the Clones is the worst of the movies, and gets a 4/10 from me.


I can't even remember Attack of the Clones, for that reason alone I'm inclined to agree with you, the whole prequel trilogy was a disaster! Looking forward to The Last Jedi though.

You and me both. Looks so good!