I shoot manually for the most part, not using the auto-settings that come with the camera. I might need to switch to auto-mode for times like this. 😅
Most of the photos I took are perfectly clear, but they're uncomposed, not in frame, and he's out of my lighting. It was fun, and he was so cute and happy. xD But I feel horrible that I don't consider any of these photos good and I'm preparing to apologise profusely to his mum. At least it was just a free shoot. I would feel SOOOO AWFUL!!!!!! if this was a paid shoot, hahaha! 😖 Definitely second-guessing toddlers.
Ah yes, you could also program your own settings, so you won't feel so bad about shooting in auto mode.
The mother will probably be happy, unless she's a professional photographer :) You might also want to do black and white for the pictures that you believe are not up to par. Black and white always looks classy and professional. Remember, don't let them see you sweat :D