In the modern world, the Internet has an increasingly predominant role. Let's go first to the economic terrain. Apart from the direct spillover that the industry generates, the Internet allows the development and culmination of a myriad of commercial transactions around the world; everyone wins, because the producer takes advantage of an extraordinary showcase, while the consumer finds efficient consumption options. The Internet supports market theory, which assumes the existence of sufficient information, as well as a multiplicity of bidders and claimants.

On the other hand, the intensive use of the Internet has a favorable impact on the levels of business productivity, since it reduces costs, innovates and modernizes production processes. It also seems to be an important element of prosperity: a study concludes that in a group of countries of a certain maturity the Internet participated with 10 percent of the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the last 15 years (which rose to 21 percent in the last 5 years), pointing out at the same time a correlation with the increase in GDP per capita ("Internet matters", McKinsey, 2011).

Despite the foregoing, e-commerce in Mexico is incipient: of the almost 50 million Internet users (inside or outside their homes), the percentage that makes transactions of this type reaches only 5 percent, since almost all people use it for information, communication, education or entertainment purposes (Inegi, 2013). There is, therefore, a great potential to stimulate economic activity in this way.

Politically, the Internet has become a useful tool to accompany democratic processes: for example, it can disseminate political information, help voters find their polling place or monitor the course of an election. It is also a powerful mechanism that serves as a counterweight to the performance of authority and empowers the functions of monitoring and rendering of accounts; Sometimes, the Internet offers more effective reporting channels than the formal institutions themselves. In the social sphere, the Internet facilitates citizen participation in social causes and its approach to public life, although this power comes, of course, rigged with responsibility.

Internet as a key piece for the development of the economic market.
For the "economic power", basically represented by the large commercial companies, the internet has allowed building a new market of unlimited dimensions, whose main advantages from the business perspective, without entering into other considerations, are directly appreciated in the cost savings general and the increase in sales. The masses believe in the virtues of the business system, perceiving that their vital needs are met immediately, and there lies the core of their power. Unlike politicians, who offer smoke, commercial corporations sell real welfare. Internet facilitates sales and therefore the sense of entrepreneurial power. Both extremes allow consolidating the power of multinationals on a global scale, as there is a reason for added weight, their products are designed to create dependence, by virtue of the impositions of fashions as a focus of attraction for consumers.