in #blog8 years ago (edited)

PLUS THEY ALL HAD OVER 100 UPVOTES ! YOU CANT BLAME PEOPLE FOR LEAVING! I did a blog about this on my Monday rant and absolutely nothing at all has changed! You would think if the whales want to keep steemit going, they would at least upvote original content with original photos , that actually have well over 100 upvotes and 200 followers, with some actual money! THEY USED TO ! I had people telling me on that post that its just too discourageing to keep working hard at putting out good original content like they used to, and get alot of upvotes now, but make nothing for their efforts so they leave!

I am all for steemit, and powering up , i do alot of blogging and curating , and im also getting discouraged! I mean out of 6 to 8 posts all over 100 upvotes , none of them went past 4.50 ! I must say its starting to get very discourageing to me! I can just imagine what the newbies feel like!

Im in no way ready to leave as i enjoy the comunity, friends ive made, and i like blogging! IM just pointing out some facts and would like to know how everyone else feels about this! Am I the only one pissed off! Lol! ♨

Heres my last 6 blogs ! Starting with my happiest one tonight for fineally hitting 200 FOLLOWERS! I EVEN TELL PEOPLE NOT TO GIVE UP! AND TO STICK WITH IT! ( 110 upvotes/ 19 replies/ ONLY 2.14 )

HERES THE NEXT ONE , GOING IN ORDER AS I POSTED( BACK): ( 125 pvotes/6 replies/ .68 cents ! )

HERES THE NEXT ONE: ( 112 upvotes/11 replys/ 0.51 cents!

IT GOT ( 109 UPVOTES/ 27 COMMENTS/ 1.64 !



Now im just trying to make a point here! that it seems unless you have a ton of followers like 600 plus! And a very high reputation like 69 or 70 you might as well forget it! Thats what i see anyways! They seem to be the only ones getting recognized for their efforts! At least a few weeks ago my 3rd or 4th post would hit something good in recognition of my efforts! That has even stopped. Im well past 7 blogs with none paying more then 4.40 .

So it seems the more i try to only do original stuff , even with my higher reputation, and now the fact that i have 200 followers, which i worked very hard at getting! Is still not good enough, But it used to be ! End of second Rant!

If steemit wants to keep their current members happy , and keep them from leaving , they better do something about it! And i dont think what their going to do on Nov 16 is going to be enough! We will have to wait and see!

But i got to tell you im tired of seeing some posts with 1 picture and absolutely no content or effort making all kinds of money, when i work my ass off to be involved at least in different things here, and blog, upvote, cureate, reply to all my feed and coments!

So for all of you that upvote for me and coment, Thank you very much! At least you make me feel apreciated! 👍
Thanks ahead for any upvotes! All coments are much appreciated!


This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Nov 09. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $5.00 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Nov 09 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Thanks for the info! Much appreciated! I will check out your link! 👍

Ha - how many times have you seen that message lately!

Its a first for this one , but i have had similar ones! Lol! Thanks for replying 👍♨😂

I think posts that are undervalued should be topped up some how to where it should be , like mine by 5.00 ! A likely chance of that ever happening! Thanks again for the info. Lol!♨👍♨

Suggestion: maybe resteem less? I was considering following you, but I can't see any of your own content on the first page of your blog. It's all resteems. Just like Facebook or Twitter, I'm selective with who I follow because their content will directly impact my state of mind. If it's mostly resteems, then it's difficult to know what I'm going to get going into it.

That's just my preference though. Others may feel differently.

Thanks for replying! All comments are much appreciated! I usually tend to resteem most when i first come on later at night and check out my feed from all the people I follow! I like the people i follow and tend to upvote them and resteem as i try to quickly go through them first, then i go back and read them more fully , so i will definately take what say into consideration when i first come on ! Thanks again! Steem on! ♨👍♨

Thanks for the video reply! Thats very awesome my first one! 👍yes this is all new to me, not only steemit but even all social media , im learning fast , even how to use my tablet and a computer is new, so i will get there eventually! My main concern was how the posts suddenly started paying less, then even 2 weeks ago! It seems the whale bots have slowed down and are not paying like they were! I have many others with the same issues. Hopefully things will change after November 16, before we lose to many more great authors and steemians! Thanks again , and keep steeming on! ♨👍♨

yes i agree. i keep posting about this issue but its like the elephant in the room, nobody wants to discuss it.
If we keep avoiding this then i believe steemit is doomed.
simple solution. give everybody the same voting/curating power or at least give total newbies and minnows some voting power. that way people who haven't got a talent with writing, photography, poetry, music, advertising and crypto can still do a valuable job and still get paid by curating.

Yes exactly! I couldnt agree more! Im just hopeing the new changes on November 16 will do some good! We will at least get more people joining when it drops from 2 years to 3 months in 13 payouts instead of 104! That should definitely be an enticement! Thanks for your awesome reply! I will follow you! Please feel free to follow me if you like ! Thanks and steem on! ♨👍♨

One thing to keep in mind is the price of Steem... it is tough to make much money with $.12 cent steem. That $4 post would be worth $40 bucks if steem had stayed up near $1... we need to get the price back up before anyone can really make much here.

Yes this is very true! Im just now getting upvoted by whale bots on this post! After 7 posts later, im just noticeing that they dont hit as often as 2 weeks ago, im thinking the whales have just recently slowed the down . Im hopeing after the 16th things will slowly improve and more people will likely join steemit ! Thanks for replying steem on! ♨👍♨

Things are getting worse not better its such a shame :(

Im hopeing things pick up after November 16 ! They should when the new changes occure! Thanks for replying ! Steem on! ♨♨♨

I've worked HARD for my 65 rep score and haven't had a post break $20 in weeks (months?). And I've got over 400 followers. Meh. I'm here to blog and be a beta tester with the potential to earn money. That's how I've always looked at it. I have NO expectations because by virtue of being in beta - everything can change, including payout structures. So I keep on keeping on because I believe in the potential of Steemit. I don't have the money to invest in dollars. My investment is in time, content, and community building. And when we launch into mainstream, I can say I was an early adopter.

I totally agree with you! Im also here and signed on to begin with for the long haul! I like to blog here! And i hate facebook! I was simply pointing this out, as i have recived many replies from others about he same thing, but no one seemed to want to say anything about it , im happy with all the feedback! And at least this blog actually earned just over 10.00 ! Its been a very long time i have gotten more then 4 or 5.00 with over 100 upvotes! Thanks for replying! Steem on! ♨👍♨

Hello @karenmckersie,

It gives us pleasure to inform you that this post have been upvoted by Project Better.

The Mission of Project Better is to reward posts have many votes from Minnows but earn pennies.
Your payout is $0.032 before we vote on your post.

Learn more about the Project Better here! ,
Want to donate your voting power to support Project Better and earn curation rewards? Click Here!

We hope to see you continuing to post some great stuff on Steemit!

Good luck!


Thats awesome thanks! I am allready a follower and love all that you do for our community ! Thanks again! Steem on! ♨♨♨it looks like i fineally got a little whale love just now as well! First time in 7 posts! Its a good feeling! ♨👍👌♨

@karenmckersie, we only do well with a whale vote. It's how the game is played. Steem On Friend.

Yes i know this! Or its their bots! But they have totally slowed down! And have stopped paying unless you have 70 plus reputation. Or their bots might hit if your lucky! They used to hit every 4 th post or so, but not anymore. Just saying and pointing it out like i said ! Not complaining! Thanks a bunch for your reply! 😉

@karenmckersie, dang Bots!

There great if their Whale bots and other whale bots follow them! Lol!♨ 😉😂♨

I have been discouraged, too-- believe me. But I am just thankful to have upvotes on my content. That means someone else got some enjoyment from my writing, and that feels good.

I have stopped looking at the dollar amount rewarded and have paid more attention to Steem rewards. I feel much more optimistic when I use Steem rewards to power up as a long-term investment, or commitment, however you want to look at it.

I am here for the long run, and I think those of us that stick with it through the ups and downs will be the ones who experience success. But that is just my opinion. I have a lot to learn yet on Steemit.

Yes i totally agree with you! Its spot on! Even though alot of our upvots are from bots its good to get them! And then hope some whale bots are programmed to follow them so you actually get a proper payout , they were working good 2 weeks ago! Then slowed right down! Thanks for replying! 😉

Congratulation on joining the +200 Club. Keep at it Karen and keep the posts coming. Stephen

Thanks a bunch! Yes also fineally hitting 60 reputation all in one week! Im closeing in on 61! Thanks for your reply ! STEEM ON! ♨♨♨

Congratulations on your achievements, it is a tough platform, but do not lower the brazon everything comes in due time. Continue the successes

I was getting paid more 2 weeks ago even, but the whales have totally cut back, as though they want people to leave ! Thats been some of comments that i have gotten and read about from others that have since left. Thanks for your reply much appreciate! 😉

congratulations!!! i would throw a party if i ever get 200 followers! :)

Yes i definitely did a blog about it earlier tonight! It was a nice change and break , away from all of the election stuff ! Thanks a bunch! You will get there soon , read my link above all about it! Its the first one! STEEM ON,! ♨♨♨

I followed you back. Thank you for following me.

Let's hope that the price of rhe steem dollar goes up again. :)

Thanks a bunch! The more the merrier! Alot of my followers have been with me a long time and i really appreciate their support! Looking forward to your blogs! And im sure the steem dollar will go up again with more people joining after November 16! Fingers crossed! Steeming on! ♨👍♨

In the Steem whitepaper it give a nice graph, where it shows most of the payouts to the best posts, and then a long tail. It even talks about the long tail quite a bit.

The actual Steem payout graph doesn't look like that nice picture.
What it looks like is a stair-step function. Where 100 minnow votes doesn't even get you up the first step. There is no long tail.

The problem is that the voting power is a exponential function. And this is placed on top of the exponential function that gives the highest payouts to the highest votes. Add on top of that the 0.001 cut off, and you get a stair-step function with no tail.

The easiest place to see this is in curation rewards. I, as a minnow, have to be on the ball, know what I am doing AND get lucky to get that 0.001 curation reward.

In comparison, a dolphin just has to be active, and a whale just has to vote to get curation rewards. (you see this in all the voting bots and payouts)
There is a super-sharp cutoff that is the 0.001 steem. The minnows are left out and the plankton might as well just forget it.

That said this is a fairly nice platform for blogging and getting feedback.

The piece that will be needed most for the interface going forward is sorting and filtering. Would someone please tell me where best to send information when I get the sort algorithms functioning in my head?

Thanks for aall the information, great reply! Its quite overwhelming to understand , if i get a chance i will try to check out the white paper again, im getting some money at least now on this post, but its been awhile! Hopefully things get better after November 16! Fingers crossed i really want the platform to succeed! Will keep powering up and hope for the best! Thaks so much! Steem on! ♨👍👌♨

"But i got to tell you im tired of seeing some posts with 1 picture and absolutely no content or effort making all kinds of money, when i work my ass off to be involved at least in different things here, and blog, upvote, cureate, reply to all my feed and coments!" ...... Spot on. Putting three hours into an article and someone posts a one liner referencing some external website article and kapow.... is rather disheartening.
But @karenmckersie ... we shall soldier on, not so ... we are after all Steemians !!!

Yes this so true! Its always darkest before the dawn! Im glad to hear im not only one that gets annoyed when others do absolutely nothing but put on a picture, no words , no comments nothing, and Bam! 50.00 or whatever! It just madens me ! Lol! But i never give up and will always keep steeming on! Thanks for replying! ♨👍♨

Congratulation on reaching 200 followers!

I really enjoyed reading your blog.
Steem on!

Thank you ! Feel free to follow me,if you like! I will follow you as well ! Steem on! ♨👍♨

I follow!

Awesome thanks! Im following you too ! Steem on! ♨♨♨

It is depressing to see that nothing has been done to help regular users fund what they want to see. I hope they do something quick, the motivation for new users to share and vote is very low.

If I can't even toss a penny in the artists jar, it just seems pointless.

I know ! Im really hopeing after the changes on November 16 things will improve i mean we shouldnt need things like " Project Better here! " and " The Daily Tribune: Nov 09 - Part II that help showcase low paying , high voted blogs! Minnows need more voteing power! Its all in the hands of the Whales! Thanks for replying! Steem on! ♨♨♨