When I saw the signs on my jeans jacket from my friend Nastya, I realized that I also want the same ones. But there were two problems: I did not know where to buy badges for clothes, since we do not have special stores. And I did not have a denim jacket.
Today at last I was able to go to the store and buy myself badges.
I bought this badge because it depicts Akita-Inu, and my dog is of this breed.
This icon says "troublemaker"
this word people often use when mention is made of some very vital life situation. Literally "this is life"
The inscription "Look Into Eyes"
i think that thanks to such trifles as badges on clothes, you can make clothes a hundred times steeper and more interesting.
Классные значки! У меня тоже была куртка именно джинсовая, со всякими значками!
Говорят, что раньше в СССР такие значки были редкостью. В основном преобладали значки с советской тематикой, в лучшем случае гербы городов и юбилеи знаменательных событий. Сейчас можно найти все что пожелаешь и мне это нравиться :))
This one is my favorite.

I do not really understand what is portrayed instead of the head of a lady. It's very similar to a gas stove, right? If it's a gas stove. then the badge is quite cruel;)