Keep gaming! Look at lil Joseph in that last picture, awesome smile. Really looking forward to your part 2 Omi.
Thanks for sharing you story and being so brave. Everything you’ve been through as a family, together your bond must be so strong and that’s all down to your incredible love and commitment.
I really appreciate that you shared this story for others to learn about autism. I have to agree it ain’t about that fast life anyway, nothing is greater than family life.
I was so nervous writing my hands were shaking lol. But he's almost 9 now and himself is speaking on Autism more and more. He's a great inspiration. Many say I'm a strong mom, but I don't know how true that is. He is strong and he's my role model in that respect. Kids are very resilient. And while his Autism may be the catalyst for many of his challenges, it's also been the very thing to help him (and all of us) overcome them and more. So no regrets.
I appreciate your thoughtful comment and ongoing support. It's mutual, our family to yours as well. <3
They say what don’t break us make us right? He’s a lil superhero in my eyes and already found his voice to raise awareness is amazing. These young masters never cease to amaze me, so many coming through these days I’m in awe. Anyway he also learn some from his mom, so no matter if you see it or not, the world sees you and you are strong!
Congrats on that and you’re right, sharing is cathartic for you too. You guys story has power and I’m 100% sure will help others if they are experiencing the same.
Much love ❤️💯