Kenny's Updates After a Week of Not Posting

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

I don't have a particular article in mind at the moment, but I've got a lot of things going on, many interesting tidbits from the world, and some great news in the battle against the Corona Scamdemic.

Basically just the highlights I've seen over the last week or so, then some updates about my life and what I'm up to. Just scroll down past the RFID video if you want to skip to what's up in my life.

WHO Denies Science; Then Deletes Tweet

This tweet went out from the WHO, managed to get tens of thousands of re-tweets, and was then deleted. For those of you who aren't familiar with immunology, the very basis of immunity is your body creating antibodies to a microbe after being introduced to it.

This tweet is basically the WHO turning up their fear-mongering so far that they jumped the shark. My question is whether they pulled it down because it's actively anti-science, or simply because that particular fear-porn flies in the face of Bill Gates' "immunity passport" idea.

Event 202 Is Tomorrow

From my friend @dbroze (one of the panelists):

Event 202 is a propaganda opposition exercise meant to imagine how the people of the world will respond to the plan being rolled out around the world. How can the people respond and manifest a better reality than the one envisioned by the planners of the Event 201 simulation, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Event 202 will be a live 3 hour event streaming across many channels.

What does a planned worldwide pandemic really mean for us?

We will run a short video of 3 scenarios showing what might play out at 6, 12 and 18 months. The panel will be invited to discuss the various elements and what solutions there are to prevent or delay these things coming to pass. What choices do people have? How can we overcome and overturn the challenges that lie ahead? The round table will be an interactive storming session with real time participation from the audience. Each panelist will contribute with specialist sector knowledge and research, and suggest alternative solutions to discuss how these might be implemented and adopted by the masses.

Antibody Testing Shows We're On Our Way To Herd Immunity (And It's No Deadlier Than The Flu)

For the last 5-6 weeks, since forced house arrest started for most of the planet, the world's organized crime syndicates ("governments") have been claiming that the purpose was to "flatten the curve," which means to make the pandemic last as long as possible, in order to get a vaccine ready before herd immunity is reached.

Well, according to antibody testing (which shows not only if you are currently infected, but if you already have been) being done around the world now, the "confirmed cases" have been an underestimate of the number of infections by orders of magnitude. This is of course, exactly what I had simply reasoned my way to back in mid-march. In case you weren't aware, the "lethality" rate of the virus is estimated by simply dividing the number of deaths (which we know are over-inflated, more on that later) by the number of "confirmed cases." In case you were wondering why less than 0.001% of the world has been tested for this supposedly cataclysmic virus, it's because the more they test, the less of a threat it becomes.

Here's a look at the studies and what they indicate:

  • Los Angeles County (CA): "That estimate is 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to the county by the time of the study in early April."
  • Santa Clara County (CA): "These prevalence estimates represent a range between 48,000 and 81,000 people infected in Santa Clara County by early April, 50-85-fold more than the number of confirmed cases."
  • Robbio in Lombardy (Italy): "If confirmed, on a Lombard scale, it would mean that 2.2 million citizens have had or still have the virus with few or without even a symptom. Definitely more than the approximately 61,000 registered. It would also mean 11 thousand deaths out of 2.2 million cases, even if we wanted to round up to 15 thousand we are at a mortality rate in the Region below 0.7%." (translated from Italian)"
  • New York State: "With more than 19.4 million people residents, according to U.S. Census data, the preliminary results indicate that at least 2.7 million New Yorkers have been infected with Covid-19."
  • Miami-Dade County (FL): "About 6 percent of Miami-Dade’s population — about 165,000 residents — have antibodies indicating a past infection by the novel coronavirus, dwarfing the state health department’s tally of about 10,600 cases"

ABC Interviews 2 Doctors - Banned From YT

Doctors Dan Erickson & Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, with 5 locations across Bakersfield, have a press conference with the local media. Following are the video links, uploaded by KERO 23 News, an ABC station, and the text write-up by a local paper, the 'Bakersfield Californian'

The original YT video was deleted for violating YT's "community guidelines..." which makes sense as YT's CEO already said that they will specifically target any content that disagrees with the WHO (meaning anything that disagrees with Bill Gates & the CCP)

MSM Admits Huge Financial Incentive to Inflate COVID Numbers - But Says Nobody's Doing It

Last week, Senator Scott Jenson brought attention to the fact that Medicare pays far more for COVID patients than it would for the same symptoms not attributed to CV. Of course, many of us have been claiming this for some time, especially based on the fact that we know Italy's numbers were misrepresented by 88% or so.

The interesting thing (to me) was the way that the mainstream media approached this, as though they were going to debunk what Jenson claimed. In fact, they state that everything he said is true, but that that doesn't mean anyone is actually taking the huge financial incentive being offered (sure sounds like capitalism, and the medical industry, to me...< /s>)

Here's the USA Today article, which clearly lays out the numbers:

  • Pneumonia patient: $5,000
  • COVID-19 pneumonia: $13,000
  • COVID-19 pneumonia patient -> ventilator: $39,000

Think that might have something to do with how SO many people are dying from being put on ventilators... But they keep putting them on ventilators?

JoyCamp Releases a GREAT RFID Video

If you're not familiar with Benny Wills & JoyCamp, I highly recommend changing that. They've created many AMAZING videos to make us laugh, and wake people up, over the years. Recently, Benny has started his own YT channel, sharing poetry and other insights. Maybe leave him some comments about coming back to the Chain... @joycamp-benny.

Enough About nCoV19

Here's What I'm Up To

Spending Time With Community

We've been making it a point to get together every Saturday at a local Mediterranean restaurant, but this last week a bunch of government goons showed up and now he has to go takeout only.

Luckily we've still got the organic farmer's market on Saturdays, a bunch of wonderful cafes & juice bars with seating in the back (so the stormtroopers can't see you from the road), weekly chanting, and a bi-weekly movie night going on :-)

This picture is from one of our lunch meetups, about a week ago. The gentleman in the white hat is an 80-year old immunologist who once faced off against Fauci on Oprah (Fauci walked off stage rather than respond to the charges put forth.)

Getting Ready For My Birthday Pool Party

This weekend, we're having a celebration weekend. We're starting on May Day (Anarchist Holiday), then my birthday, then May the Fourth (Star Wars Holiday.)

We're basically having a mini festival, with impromptu workshops, authentic relating games, a bunch of podcast recording, and much more. Here are some glimpses of the place where we'll be enjoying ourselves, each other, and the freedom to do what we want.

Referral links:


Hey, Kenny...I watched the two Dr.'s video and it was cogent and sensible. What I can tell you from my perspective in Vancouver is that this is the most pristine pandemic in human history akin to 'the plane' that hit the pentagon. What plane?
I've not seen one sick person anywhere and no one I know is sick. Of course, the media is telling us there are countless sick but it's not my experience from anything I've seen. I walk past VGH almost every day and it's quiet as fuck around there...
At any rate, I'm still musing on a response to your land ownership idealism but will get a video up sometime soon.

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"Spreading the word" (or doing anything else) without consent is an issue for me. You guys spam hundreds of posts, from dozens of accounts. People are not asking for it, they're not reading it, you're just wasting electricity & time.

If you want to share ideas with people, do it through actually interacting with their content. Read/watch/listen to their post, and respond to it thoughtfully, maybe quoting or otherwise referencing spiritual teachings/text.

Reflections on Anarchy and SpiritualityI HIGHLY recommend reading this book, by @johnvibes & @dbroze: