Reminiscing about my life back in Melbourne close to 10 years ago, I was reminded of this small piano room in my dormitory. Being a total newbie, I went into that room almost every night to practice and mainly bruteforce my way into memorising every key and nuance of a 6-minute composition. Seven months after, I was finally able to play what I consider to be the most beautiful piano solo ever. Other than twinkle twinkle little star, it remains to be the only piece that I can play to this day lol.
Here's the piano sheet - final entry in the linked PDF:-
Absolutely beautiful music!
This is the type of music I enjoy when I am alone and want to think creative thoughts without the world's poisonous influence.
Music for loners and deep-thinkers #muchwow lol,
But yes, jokes aside - music is a great way to share our human experience.
A good example how beauty and sensitivity creates motivation to achieve. Bravo!
You're right about that. Intrinsic value is a prime motivator :)
I can play it on guitar, learned from this guy
Such an amazing composition 😍
This is mainly the chorus, but i like his take on it!
Well done, @kevinwong , and thanks for the piano sheet! Some years ago I've tried to learn to play the piano (thanks the uncle of my hubby, who's an excellent piano player), but I Just learned the simple melody of "Für Elise" ^_^
I cant even play fur elise! It's a joy to play, but sadly not becoming any good. Just not my instrument..
HAHAHA! Great little story. Why not stick with it though?
Lol i went into music production instead.. so i dont have to be good live..
LOL. there you go!
good luck.!!
Good job @kevinwong
piano is best
wow!!good for relax.good job
i like, thank for sharingnice post @kevinwong