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RE: Day 2 of Code School

in #blog7 years ago

I have an idea for an app I want to make, so I did start the way you suggested. But it is difficult without any outside help. I got to the point where android studio was basically writing the program for me, because i knew what the bones of the app were so to speak, but no idea how to connect it all. I got pretty far with it but I didn't feel like I was really understanding why or how any of it worked. If I'm releasing something for people to download, I want to make sure I know what the heck I'm doing. 😂


That's the key skill I think, when you learn to program. Being able to take a problem and decompose it into sub-problems that you solve independently of each other. Then taking these pieces and reassembling to solve your original problem.

The problem with sites like Codecademy is that they teach you the vocabulary and syntax of the language, but they don't tell you how to order a meal in the language (for want of a better analogy).

Plus we've all been there learning a new library or language. You can see it works but have no idea why!

Yes! When i first started my career in electronics, i spent a LOT of time with manuals out on my bench. Once I became familiar with the language, then i dug into the circuits and measured voltages, puzzled out how it all worked together by testing it. By the time a year had passed, all you had to do was describe a fault to me and I could tell you exactly which component failed in the circuit. I hope i can apply this method of learning to programming. It seems very similar. If i can understand what each block of Code does and why, it will be easier to connect the blocks to make a running program. At least, that's what I'm hoping. 😁