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RE: Tips And Tricks For Beginner Blog Marketing..

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hey @public-eye, after some research, i think copy paste is not a great help for the platform. It seems that only quotes, facts and related content is allowed to be copy-pasted without asking for trouble. So, on a personal front, i won't copy paste any long article, be it a plr article. Even if i'm to, I will make sure that i have made necessary changes and has made the article much better.

But also on a personal front, just my opinion, isn't it unfair for cheetah to mark plr articles. Yes, cheetah's function is to identify similar articles, but i'm against it's functionality of marking plr articles as copied articles. Maybe that should change... Just my opinion though..

But anyways, thanks for your notification.

Maybe i'll a write a post with this whole story!!