I won't downflag you but I'm thinking you haven't gotten much exposure to this plant/medicine..Cannabis helps me get through my day to day without agonising pain.
If you aren't into pot, That's cool. But don't go all Nixon on us pot smokers that use it for more than just to get trippy, It does have some very valid and beneficial medical uses.
"have decided to remove from this post what I cannot absolutely 100% prove as being factual." So what's left? What are the dangers of marijuana?
As I see it finding this post late, you've made a post saying it's bad, with NO evidence to support that claim. You say make an informed decision, yet don't inform us (think that was the plan with the post)
Express and believe whatever you think but if you're making claims, make sure to back them up.Yeah im with @klye on this one, you said you
(not down-voting you, instead leaving this comment.)