Jimmy's mother had many children. The first was called April, the second was called May. What is the name of the other.
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Jimmy's mother had many children. The first was called April, the second was called May. What is the name of the other.
Think smart
Tell me the answers
You are smart but your answer is not right think again @andyfishman
It cannot be wrong though, as Jimmy was obviously one of the children ;)
June would be the obvious one...
REad out the riddle carefully
Read it and can see no other answer, Thanks for posting it, but if Jimmy is not correct, and June is not the pattern, I have no idea.
I am not revailing the right answer there right now so you have to wait for some time to get to know the right answer if you are in a hurry so google it
If she has only three children then it's Jimmy, if she has many children their names can be June, July, August and so on depending on how many children she has. Maybe she named her other children random names like: Sara, Matthew etc? Who knows!
Exactly what I thought.
James as Jimmy is a nickname for James?
Oh, wait. I think I know now. This has been bugging me no end! What is the name of the other. This says it all. No question mark, a full stop. Incredible how much difference a little punctuation mark makes.
So What is the name of the other child. Not What is the name of the other child?
This means WHAT is the answer?
@koolshani are you going to either confirm my answer or reveal it?