The Human Body
Human Bodies are Fascinating
I enjoy random facts, I figured I would share some neat facts about the human body with all of you. Our bodies are complex, many different things are occurring constantly without our knowledge. There are far too many facts for me to contain in this post, so I decided to pick a couple dozen of my favorite ones. Enjoy!
- The longest anyone has ever went without sleeping is 11 days.
You can go 3 minutes without adequate oxygen, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food (some experts estimate that you can actually go a couple months without food).
- You have nearly 100 more bones when you are born than you do when you die.
A baby is born with nearly 300 bones, by the time we are adults we only have 206 bones (some of the bones fuse together). A quarter of all your bones are found in your feet.
- You can always see your nose.
Your brain just ignores it.
- The same acid that your stomach uses to digest food is strong enough to digest your stomach.
This doesn't happen because, luckily, your stomach lining regenerates every couple days. Three days after death your digestive juices start to "eat" your body.
- 20% of the oxygen that enters your bloodstream gets used by your brain.
The brain does not feel pain, it does not even have pain receptors, but it does receive pain signals.
- Your liver is your heaviest organ.
Your left kidney is up higher than the right one, and your right lung is larger than your left lung, we are designed in this way in order to make room for our other organs.
- If your small intestine was stretched out into a straight line it would be four times your height.
The average small intestine is between 18 and 23 feet.
- Every inch of your skin contains about 32 million bacteria.
Your mouth is actually the dirtiest place on your body, your belly button is a close second.
- Humans are the only animals that blush.
They are also the only animals that cry emotional tears, and the only ones that can not swallow and breath at the same time.
- Your brain stops growing when you are 18 years old.
For about a day and a half after you die, your brain continues to send out electrical impulses. Additionally, your brain can be aware for up to 4 minutes after decapitation occurs. Even while asleep your brain puts out enough energy to power a light bulb.
- A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have, men produce new sperm daily.
Sex reduces stress, and gives your immune system a boost. You can get a release of the same hormone oxytocin by giving someone a hug. Humans actually have 30 different hormones that are utilized in their bodies.
- Ears and noses never stop growing, in contrast eyes remain the same size your entire life.
Your eyesight is better in the middle of the day than any other time, your nose can remember up to 50,000 different smells, and your ears hear even when you are sleeping.
- Your brain is most active at night time when you are sleeping.
The hormones that your brain releases when you are in love creates the same sort of effect as amphetamines do. This is why love often cause distraction, and extremes in appetite, sleep and mood.
- A caterpillar has more muscles than you do.
You use approximately 72 muscles while speaking, 200 while taking a step and have about 600 muscles total.
- All of us were briefly one single cell.
For every minute you spend reading this post 3 hundred million of your cells will die.
Hope you learned something fun! Thanks for reading!
Much Love
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the one I knew was ears and noses keep growing =). That's why old people have large ears and noses, hehe
"The same acid that your stomach uses to digest food is strong enough to digest your stomach." - Now I feel like my stomach I digesting itself, thank you.
any time :)
A billion cells later, I realized I shouldn't have read this during lunch. Ha ha... fun facts!
This was really fun.
Lol..the nose.
Hehe this is some funny fact, even right now am seeing it since am aware.
Not anymore! hahaha
I’m a medical student so I knew some od this stuff but some were really entertaining so thank you for teaching us something new :)
So I've got an 18 ft rope in stomach, lol
I can't even go 2 days without sleeping
Considering how tin I am I'm not surprised about a caterpillar having more muscles 💪 than I have.
Some of the facts are funny though. Thanks for sharing this.
Really informative. The facts are really amazing..
Especially that about going without sleep for 11 years..
Like how the heck is that even possible!????
Hahaha 11 days, I need to fix that thanks.
Wow some crazy and fascinating facts. We are such an amazing species. I really enjoyed this.
Haha good stuff! Love the kicker at the end.
Another bit is that the heart is indeed in the center of the chest, not off to the left like people led us to believe. Now it does point to the left, and the decending aorta comes down on the left side of the heart, but for the most part it's right behind the sternum.
So when you "put your hand over your heart", you're actually putting it over your lung.
Amazing informations.
Whoa I never knew my brain was most active while sleeping! So cool. Upvoted :)
Was great listening to you yesterday during the curation lounge session Krista... I learned a lot about the human body from those facts... now I'll keep a closer eye on my ears and nose and see how much they grow every day :)
really nice post keep it up @krazykrista
I think dogs sometimes do have emotional tears.
I could not find anything that agrees with this. If you can please do share.
I don't remember where I saw or read this, but if I find, I will let you know. Thank you.
Great article, krazykrista. Keep up the good work!
Interesting your post. I had already read some things that he mentions. Undoubtedly the human being is a fascinating work. From the conception of the human being to the death of the same does not stop surprising us. Each cell is life! Greetings and blessings.
Wao! this is an inept analysis.
Am reading about this for the first time.
Thanks for sharing this.
Regards @funkylove
Interesting facts! Another interesting body fact, a human has enough bones to form a skeleton. ;)
To true.
Amazing post, just followed and resteemed, Follow me back and upvote my posts as well. Hope we can be good friends.
Interesting facts about our body, thanks for sharing!
Amazing and usefull post. The fact that a caterpilar has more muscles than a human makes you think about how small you are in the universe.
I have another fun fact! The epididymis (Located in the scrotum) is 6 meters in length which equals to 19.685 feet. :)
Fun facts are fun!! Thanks for sharing
@krazykrista, this is wonderful work on your part. So many interesting discovery.
Most people don't know about this truth and i appreciate that you have shared it with everyone.
For everyone that cares to know if it is really true, let me tell you now that it is the truth.