Mango Pancakes!

in #blog7 years ago

Living in Panama, we have access to all the mangoes we can eat and this is one of my favorite breakfasts.

1/4 cup oats, mixed with enough water to moisten well
pinch salt and a pinch baking soda
one egg
chopped mangoes
Mix it all up, melt some butter in the pan, and cook until firm. You don’t even need any syrup because the fruit is sweet.


You can use any fruit and some, like bananas, are nice with a bit of cinnamon also added. I have bananas and plantains from our yard in the freezer, and also bags of mangoes that I picked up when they were in season.

One good reason to ride a bike is to learn where to find all the good fruit trees. If fruit is falling on the ground or street and nobody is using it, I’ll pick it up. I’ve also had people tell me that I am welcome to pick up fruit in their yard anytime.

I especially love the mangoes! I know some excellent trees that drop lots of fruit when it’s season. Anything I can’t eat gets skinned and sliced up, and put in the freezer so I can have mangoes all year long.


I never saw mango trees like these either. Many are huge and said to be over 100 years old! This is my husband standing under one of the bigger ones. They do very well in this climate where it never freezes and I really appreciate them for their beauty as well as the delicious fruit.

(Yay! I figured out how to include pictures).


Wow, those trees are huge, we have big ones here as well, but that trunk is huge. Great post, nice pics.

You have now the pictures.
Really nice pictures there and thank you
also for sharing a very simple recipe of your mango pancakes.
Have a great day!Wow! Congratulations @kristc!