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RE: Success! I Finally Sold BTC Directly to Cash in My Hands!

in #blog8 years ago

I have a bit of gold and more silver. I didn't buy bitcoin at the time ($375) and instead did precious metals because they are tangible (real physical) and time tested stores of wealth. But I should have had more faith in the "magic internet money" LOL. Gold will eventually go up indeed, but the OG metals are having a hard time right now and until a small crash or "the crash" happens it wont go above the current levels they've been going around the past few years. BTC has more momentum. I wouldn't have sold some silver but at the price it's at it's too close to where I bought in and it's better to just wait. I should have sold two times already when they re-peaked, but I'm no trader. I was just planning ahead for the long put-off economic awakening, who knows when that will come... Thanks for the feedback.