That Feeling When You Get a New Mattress...

in #blog8 years ago

... and the cheap old spring mattress felt better than the back aches your new $1000 mattress gives. :\

You would think a nice mattress you tried out in the store would still be comfortable for sleeping on... but did you really sleep on it in the store? Nope. We only try them out -- not actually spend a night on it.

I tried to sleep on my left side, my right side, and even ended up sleeping on my back as a result of the discomfort from either side. And still sleeping on my back gave me discomfort and back pain as well.

The old mattress I had, was old and used, and had springs I could sometimes feel. I thought it was bad enough and preventing me from sleeping properly. But I think it may have been better for me than what I have now. Maybe all I needed was a better pillow compared to what I had and the crappy mattress would have been batter than this new $1000 mattress.

I have 30 days to test it out and pay $60 to return it for another type, paying the difference or getting a refund for the difference.

If it comes to that -- which it seems likely it will -- I think I will just get the cheapest bed they have available, and fuck all this alleged "better" technology for these new modern beds that conforms to your pressure points better... pssshhh! It's not helping my back at all! lol

If I could go back in time I think I would just stick with my old mattress or buy a newer basic mattress just like it. Why spend 2-3 times more for some foam mattress technology that's supposed to be better but that actually gives you back aches and pains instead. The old ass mattress didn't even give me back pain!

Either this mattress or others like it aren't good for me... or this mattress is a sham and the alleged "contouring" comfort it offers is bullshit compared to others.

The first night I don't think I felt anything bad the next day, but the next two nights I feel how crappy this "conforming" foam is. I would have thought it was great feeling like in the store. It felt great. But it seems after a while of lying in the bed, maybe it gets too soft, I don't know, but it sure doesn't work out welll in the long run by giving my back pain... lol!

Well that's my morning rant over. Enjoy your Saturday :)

Thanks for tuning into KrNels' Krazy Korner :P


That's really bad to hear. Can't you return it?

I did a total renovation of my apartment two years ago and while most of the new furniture is the cheapest and most basic type that still looks OK including the sofa which I'm actually very happy with, the new mattress for the new bed we got was totally on the expensive side. I think the mattress cost us 4 or 5 times the price of the bed that we put it into.

Fortunately for us, our particular mattress was worth every single penny of seemingly unwarranted markup and our quality of sleep has improved by light years because of that.

The thing is the memory foam mattress we got is much stiffer than what you would get with springs, but that's why it doesn't cause problems - it offers proper back support while you sleep no matter the position.

This is WAAAY too much give for a proper mattress. I'm afraid they got the technology all wrong on that one.

My father used to have back pain, he solved it not by contouring beds and soft mattresses you could sink into, he solved it with a very stiff mattress and when his back pains became to strong, he would throw a rug on the floor and sleep there for a week and this helped him get better.

Hehe, that image wasn't from the bed, just from the net. It seems that although I'm a side sleeper, this bed was too soft in real life. I'm glad your mattress worked out, which one did you get?

I don't sleep on my back, when it doesn't give enough it still makes you out of alignment. Thanks for the feedback.

My mattress is a local brand so I couldn't really point you to it. But it's relatively simple in it's design - two layers of memory foam - one softer and one firmer that you could reverse depending on your softness preferences with a thin layer of really soft memory foam on top. Even the softer side feels quite firm compared to most mattresses I've slept on in hotels for example.

I'm not so sure about the spinal alignment when you are sleeping on the side. My father is a side sleeper too and when he slept on the floor, he was on the side a lot of the time, so I'm not sure you really need the mattress to give a lot when you are a side sleeper. I guess your spine doesn't need to be straight, it just needs to be properly supported so your muscles can relax. If the bed is too soft, I guess your muscles stay tense because you unconsciously feel unsafe and unsupported. But that's pure speculation based on apocryphal evidence. I'm not sure why did it work for him so well, I'm just sharing the very limited experience I've had with this type of things.

I tend to sleep mainly on my front, but my girlfriend is a side sleeper and this firmer memory foam mattress is the best one she has ever slept on. I personally can sleep on a rock and wouldn't really mind, but my girlfriend hated our previous mattress so we just bought an expensive one and she hadn't tried it before I brought it home. I also didn't really try it in the shop as a friend with back problems had recommended it a lot so I just bought it. When she first tried it she actually complained that it was too firm and that she couldn't believe that I had spent so much on such a stiff mattress. It took her only one night to realize she loved it.

So my biased advice would be, don't get something that is too soft.

Thanks, I agree, the soft is an issue I think. Plus the store was cool with AC and my apt. isn't. But I think this new mattress is softer than the used one in the store. I'm going to pay $60 and change model and prob pay a bit more, latex foam instead of just just polyurethane or memory foam.

I hope you end up with a mattress that has been worth your cash that has you waking up well-rested and relaxed.

Thanks, I spent more and got the other mattress I was looking at. Latex. Costs more, but lasts longer too.

Its actually a feeling of hiyaaaaaaaaa..sweet dreams

Luck for you! lol

I agree, amen for that my buddy

I suspect the memory foam is very comfortable for people without back problems. It feels comfortable, except for the effect it has on the back, as you sink into it.

This is why I sleep on a thin pad over a board. It keeps my back supported. It isn't as cozy as a feather bed, but it keeps my back in line.

Are you a side sleeper as well?

Yes, although my contortions are rather singular, due to the nature of my lumbar injuries. Sleeping on my back or belly just isn't possible.

I use the cheapest and hardest spiral spring mattress I could find at IKEA and then use their memory foam top mattress to conform to my body, works a charm and it's not expensive!

LOL, I had talked to the guy at the store about something like that, and he was like yeah you could but it's not gonna last as long, not built in place, etc. But I would be more able to customize the topper that have to depend on the tops of the various mattresses already compiled for sale. Thanks for the feedback.

That's a shame! I hope you can figure out some way to sleep on it, or that with time it will get better.

I've made the opposite experience, newer, more expensive models always tended to be better for me, but I guess I just got lucky.

You made the right pick. The mattress I picked was crap it seems, despite the seller telling me it was good lol.

Don't trust people who are just trying to sell you stuff! lol

I did extensive online research for a couple hours before I bought my last one, turned out to be time well used!

I did too, and I spent like 7-10 hours overall in the store asking questions and trying out mattresses. It felt good there, but not now :P

What mattress did you get? I was looking at Arctic Dreams, and GhostBed, those seemed like good online beds...

That's a serious shame...I'll try to figure it out, been about 2 years now so I'll see if I can find the receipt somewhere.

I still remember taking a loan from my friend to buy a cheap mattress. Now, I'm financially stable and recently I bought an expensive mattress but still I cherish sleeping on my old mattress. I have kept new mattress for the guests :)

LOL! You use the old one?

Yes, can't help I still like my old mattress :)

I wish I hadn't given it to them to recycle, I would at least still have it to sleep on lol.

oh, that's sad...I'm emotionally attached to my reminds me of my tough times :)

I think when people change into new matress it takes few weeks to get sleep on that. I totally agree with the back pain with the new matress we try to sleep on. Even When I bought new matress I had the same problem , but then I eventually ot used to the new Matress. These Matress which are soft and confortable to sleep on must say its the price.
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I'm sorry but your story was a little funny. For all the trouble you went through to get the bed, it turned out to be an awful match. When you trade it in for the next one and it doesn't match with your back again, would you still be able to trade it again for yet another one to try? Hopefully, the next one is the right one though. It would be awful to have to suffer through many tries before finding the one.

No last trade or pay 20% fee. But it's a keeper. Latex mattress :)

1000 bucks on a mattress ,damn, you get really good ones for half the price at Ikea, where did you buy this one from?

A store in Montreal. What mattress did you have in mind at Ikea?

I use the morgedal queen medium firm as i like to sleep on my tummy:)

I have spinal pain every morning due to an expensive quality mattress I wish I never had.
Thank you for the post, I enjoyed reading it.

You're welcome, Can you tell me what mattress you have? What position you sleep in, i.e. side sleeper?

Hi. It's a King Koil Turn-free design. I fall asleep on my side but I usually wake up on my back or on my tummy.

I need a new mattress. I will keep your comments in mind.

The best thing is to buy a desk and chair which we used to have in schools. I am sure no other bed is more comfortable than our place in school when our teachers are teaching

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good ost

Upvoted ,resteemed your post.

One word... Oxycodone! Did you get some sheets that fit???

Yes they fit.

100% upped your post and resteem , keep it up