Little kids can be so adorable at times. The reason I ask about Japan is because I have our friend on a mission to locate Sailormoon while there. Thought if you were with him it would only increase the chances of locating it. Sailormoon was my childhood anime favorite show.
Why pm you when I reach 200SP?
I never really liked kids all that much. After moving to Korea and working with kids it all changed! Now I love them, I can stare at a baby for hours. hehe.
Sailormoon, is it some kind of anime? I am quite the ninja when it comes to getting something online. I can maybe help you find the episodes, unless you want hard copies. Then I can't help.
You are a good Steemit user, I tend to take care of my Steemit friends so would help you out with a project I am working on. To enter you need a minimum of 200SP... All in good time =)
I mean Korean children and people are a lot more fascinating then anyone other group of people, At least I think so.
Sailormoon is an anime that aired after Dragon ball Z. My brother woul watch his show then I would get to watch mine, good times in my childhood.
Well, I shall touch base in the next couple months when I hit 200SP. Thanks!
Couple or months? Couple of weeks! Hehe, I will check if I can find it for you. You can probably stream it from some sites. Will go have a look.
Yes Korean people are very interesting indeed. I see new and interesting things happen around me all the time even though I have been here over 2 years
I have actually found a site and I think Netflix does it too. I am shocked after soo many years that I am not the only one who is still a fan of the show.
I hope I will have that many SP in a couple of weeks. I have to keep commenting. Have you read any particularity interesting post today?
Glad you found it!
I am currently on holiday so I am quite busy with this and that. Have not got the chance to read much. Did however quickly jump to your feed and your 2 weeks of now meat and sugar was pretty interesting. Will go watch What the Health. Thanks for that. =)
I don't know if you should watch it or not. I haven't been able to eat meat since watching it. Partly by choice, mostly by influence of that documentary. Enjoy your holiday and all the yummy food, once you settle back home watch it. :)
Thanks for checking out my stuff.
Always a pleasure. I need to watch it, very curious now. I love meat too much though. So much flavor. If I could I would eat it everyday. Will see how my opinion changes after the documentary.