Gardening Tips no. 2: Super Scents

in #blog7 years ago

Every time you brush past this pot, this highly aromatic collection of herbs Will release their delicious perfumes.


Time to plant: spring

Most herbs originate in hot, dry climates and dislike British cold, wet winters. So growing such herbs in pots is the perfect solution, as they can easily be brought indoors for the winter. Serrated-leaved Lavandu/a x christiana makes an attractive alternative to ordinary lavender. It’s on the tender side, but if you bring it indoors when the weather turns cold it will get it through the winter unscathed. Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudo/anug/nosus) also benefits from winter protection as it hates wet ground. This thyme has wonderful tactile leaves, which are topped by

pretty pinky-mauve flowers, which cover the plant all summer.

Many herbs have colourful foliage, and sages offer some of the widest range of varieties. in this pot we’ve used golden-leaved sage (Salt/la officinalis ’lcterina’), but you’ll also find purple and tricolour types on offer. All sages produce purple-blue flowers in summer and are delicious in cooking

references: BBC 2011 gardeners book