Thanks for this fantastic share @marcelli. Many truths in what you have pointed out here with regard to our social media use.
This is what I have been contemplating lately. I asked myself, 'why do I post my pics and share my thoughts on social media?' 'Do I do it to inspire myself and friends or to gain confidence boosts based on LIKES?'
I have been studying my behavior by being present and mindful how my mind works. I notice my emotion plays a huge role on this; there's a seemingly magnet that pulls me to post because it feels good to interact and to be liked.
Whenever I sense that and feel that it already controls me more than me controlling that 'force', I would pull myself away from my phone and focus myself to doing productive stuffs.
Self-awareness is key to fight a meaningless addiction to social media and to anything in life actually. Cheers! xoxo