How can you deal more positively with insults?
There is a technique that works amazing. And it might surprise you.
How can you deal with insults?
Insults are not fun to receive. But they are not the end of the world either. An insult is primarily a violation of your ego, on the image you have of yourself. And an insult is an easy reason for many people to lapse into behavior that they are not proud of.
Like scolding, placing an insult back, feeling hurt or getting angry.
But what are ways to deal positively with insults and hurtful comments? Below I have put a few tips for you in a row that I have been applying for a while.
1. Stay calm - do not add more misery
I want to make the world a little more loving. And if you read soChicken, chances are you want it too. That is why the standard reaction of many people is not good enough.
When you get angry, insult someone or try to hurt them, you add more misery to the situation. It is annoying enough that someone is trying to hurt you - why would you lapse into the same behavior?
If someone hurts you, it is not necessary to add more pain. You can not achieve anything with that, except for a downward spiral of misery. The misery has to stop somewhere - and you can choose to stop it.
If your goal is to become more loving then the first step is to preserve your composure. Realize that people insult others to feel better about themselves. Often the reason you are insulted is not so much about you, and everything with the self-image of the person who insults you.
Stay calm, breathe. There is nothing wrong.
2. Respond with humor
Self-mockery works wonders. If someone insults you to bring you down, show that there is no credit. Show that you are willing to pull yourself down for the joke, with which the power of the insult is lost.
For example, I used to be able to feel offended when people make contemptuous jokes about my work with soChicken. Then I noticed that my ego was opposed and that I felt uncomfortable and offended.
Nowadays I respond with humor and self-mockery as standard. If people hint that they do not really take my work seriously, then with a smile on my face I throw a little extra: "Yes, you had to know. I just hit my hands on the keyboard a little and press publish! "
If a journalist asks skeptical questions like: "But is not it all a bit rubbish, all those tips? They do not really work? "Then I react with, for example:" That's right - it's all nonsense - but that's our secret! "
Then the dynamics change immediately. There is nothing fun to ridicule someone who is willing to ridicule themselves. Laughing together is always fun.
If you are insulted - react with humor and self-mockery. Not only does this make the situation more fun and lighter. It simply becomes impossible to insult you.
3. You can also respond with love
Is not humor your thing? No worries. You can also respond without making jokes. For example by responding from calm and love.
It is especially important that you practice not to view insults personally. That you realize that people hurt others because they experience pain themselves.
Someone who lives from a place of calm, compassion and acceptance feels no need to bring others down. In fact, such a person will find it difficult to hurt another in any way whatsoever.
I found the inspiration for this blog on
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I love this post. I learned over the years how to react. Confidence is key. Excellent tips. Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!
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Let's stay positive! Optimism can help us with everyday matters :)