You are a superhero who makes the world more beautiful. At least, you can be if you choose to accept that role.
How is that? You read it here.
We all look at each other
Everyone compares with his environment. And based on that environment you determine what is 'normal' and what is not.
- In the past you were a freak if you wanted to eat vegetarian. Now it is normal, because so many people do it and so
many manufacturers indent. - In the past it was bizarre if you saw two men walking hand in hand in the street. Now you do not look at it anymore.
- In the past it was inconceivable that married people could divorce. Now people choose to release each other when it
stops working. - In the past, you were a bit of a mock when you were working on sustainability. Now you are inspiring.
The point is: the more often you see something, the more normal you will find it. And the more normal you find something, the greater the chance that you will try it yourself.
And that's important. Because your environment looks at you. They're watching you. Not in a scary way. Your friends, colleagues, family members and online followers use you as a yardstick to determine how they can behave.
They use your life as a source of inspiration. And if you behave differently, they look extra good at you.
And for that reason you can be a superhero. Because you can use this principle to 'radically' radically improve things for the people you come in contact with.
Work on yourself - be the change
One of the things I'm currently working on is non-judgment. Not judging is a radical idea for many people in my area.
It is difficult, as I have been trained throughout my life to have an opinion about everything. But I am getting better at it. And the more often I demonstrate it, the more normal it becomes for the people I come into contact with.
Not only do others realize that it is possible at all to not condemn others. They will also see the benefits of it themselves. They realize that their judgments do not advance them, but instead keep them in a place where they no longer want to be.
Your influence on your environment is stronger than you think. With every interaction you have you get the opportunity to demonstrate that there are more ways to live well.
Stop pushing people - push yourself
There is only one pitfall: you can not push people. Because at the moment you start pushing, you send out a very harmful message. Namely: "I do not like you as you are, I think you should change"
Most people respond very simply to this message: they do exactly the opposite of what you want from them.
I found the inspiration for this blog on
and other sources I used :
Motivated info 😘