This is how you start your day cheerful

in #blog7 years ago

Start your day with a happy mood, and notice how the rest of your day becomes more fun and easier! How you wake up cheerfully? Here you will find some useful tips to try out!

A good start is half the work!

Sometimes you wake up with a very positive vibe. You feel like it in the day, want to get out of bed and get started. Nice, this is the feeling that you would actually want to experience every day.

Sometimes, however, it feels like a truck has been driven over you. You feel broke, do not want to get out of bed and you start your day with a negative vibe. And arguing with your lover. And your dog. And your bunch of keys. Not nice.

What can you do to wake up cheerfully more often? Below are some tips!

First there was a thought, then the feeling came

Emotions and thoughts are strongly linked to each other. If you think bad things, you will quickly feel annoying. If you think nice things, you'll soon feel nice. Simple.

Let's test that. Think about the person you love the most. Imagine that you would receive a phone call now and be told that that person was killed in an accident. Of course you just read over it and feel little. But you know that if you would make these thoughts really alive for yourself, you would simply feel terrible.

No, I do not want to give you a terrible feeling, so think of something nice again soon. But do you notice how easy it is? You think misery, you feel misery. Even if there is no misery. First there is a thought, then a feeling follows. And it is tricky, most thoughts you have are unaware.

If you start your day with thoughts that do not help you, it is difficult to start your day in a cheerful way. A simple "I do not want" gives you a completely different feeling than "So, I'm going to get started today, I'm going to make it a beautiful day!".

Tips for cheerful wake up

Below you will find a number of practical tips that help you wake up nicely!

• Determine what you want to do the next day in the evening. Make sure you do something you at least look forward to a little. Do not make your list overwhelming. Give yourself a game that you can win!

• Make sure you get enough sleep. Most people need around 8 hours of sleep. However, the exact amount differs per person and per day. If you have done a lot of sport, for example, you need more sleep.

• Use a natural alarm clock. That is, a rooster. Do not you have a rooster? Fine, use the sun or a tool that mimics nature. Think of a Wake-up light or a mobile app such as Sleepcycle. These kinds of methods help you to wake up quietly and wake up fresher.

• Make sure you can take the time in the morning to start your day off well. Hurry makes people quickly grumpy. Get up early enough to enjoy your morning. That you can stretch, cuddle with your pet, make a healthy breakfast, go through your day, enjoy your coffee or tea.

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